Chanteur Rock 'n' Roll US né Elvis Aaron Presley, le 8 Janvier 1935 à Tupelo (Mississippi). Elvis Presley débute en 1954 à la Sun Records de Memphis (Tennessee) où il enregistra une dizaine de titres. Le Manager Country Tom Parker le remarque et le fait racheter par RCA pour 35000$. A partir de ce moment, Elvis devient le "King" du Rock 'n' Roll, connu dans le monde entier, vendant des millions de disques et se faisant une immense fortune. Elvis Presley est mort dans sa maison de Memphis, le 16 Août 1977.

Elvis Presley may be the single most important figure in American 20th century popular music. Not necessarily the best, and certainly not the most consistent. But no one could argue with the fact that he was the musician most responsible for popularizing rock & roll on an international level. Viewed in cold sales figures, his impact was phenomenal. Dozens upon dozens of international smashes from the mid-'50s to the mid-'70s, as well as the steady sales of his catalog and reissues since his death in 1977, may make him the single highest-selling performer in history.
More important from a music lover's perspective, however, are his remarkable artistic achievements. Presley was not the very first white man to sing rhythm & blues; Bill Haley predated him in that regard, and there may have been others as well. Elvis was certainly the first, however, to assertively fuse country and blues music into the style known as rockabilly. While rockabilly arrangements were the foundations of his first (and possibly best) recordings, Presley could not have become a mainstream superstar without a much more varied palette that also incorporated pop, gospel, and even some bits of bluegrass and operatic schmaltz here and there. His 1950s recordings established the basic language of rock & roll; his explosive and sexual stage presence set standards for the music's visual image; his Vocals were incredibly powerful and versatile.
Unfortunately, to much of the public, Elvis is more icon than artist. Innumerable bad Hollywood movies, increasingly caricatured records and mannerisms, and a personal life that became steadily more sheltered from real-world concerns (and steadily more bizarre) gave his story a somewhat mythic status. By the time of his death, he'd become more a symbol of gross Americana than of cultural innovation. The continued speculation about his incredible career has sustained interest in his life, and supported a large tourist/entertainment industry, that may last indefinitely, even if the fascination is fueled more by his celebrity than his music.
Born to a poor Mississippi family in the heart of Depression, Elvis had moved to Memphis by his teens, where he absorbed the vibrant melting pot of Southern popular music in the form of blues, country, bluegrass, and gospel. After graduating from high school, he became a truck driver, rarely if ever singing in public. Some 1953 and 1954 demos, recorded at the emerging Sun label in Memphis primarily for Elvis' own pleasure, helped stir interest on the part of Sun owner Sam Phillips. In mid-1954, Phillips, looking for a white singer with a black feel, teamed Presley with guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black. Almost by accident, apparently, the trio hit upon a version of an Arthur Crudup blues tune, "That's All Right Mama," that became Elvis' first single.
Elvis' five Sun singles pioneered the blend of R&B and C&W that would characterize rockabilly music. For quite a few scholars, they remain not only Elvis' best singles, but the best rock & roll ever recorded. Claiming that Elvis made blues acceptable for the white market is not the whole picture; the singles usually teamed blues covers with country and pop ones, all made into rock & roll (at this point a term that barely existed) with the pulsing beat, slap-back echo, and Elvis' soaring, frenetic Vocals. "That's All Right Mama," "Blue Moon of Kentucky," "Good Rockin' Tonight," "Baby Let's Play House," and "Mystery Train" remain core early rock classics.
The singles sold well in the Memphis area immediately, and by 1955 were starting to sell well to country audiences throughout the South. Presley, Moore, and Black hit the road with a stage show that grew ever wilder and more provocative, Elvis' swiveling hips causing enormous controversy. The move to all-out rock was hastened by the addition of drums. The last Sun single, "I Forgot to Remember Forget"/"Mystery Train," hit number one on the national country charts in late 1955. Presley was obviously a performer with superstar potential, attracting the interest of bigger labels and Colonel Tom Parker, who became Elvis' manager. In need of capital to expand the Sun label, Sam Phillips sold Presley's contract to RCA in late 1955 for 35,000 dollars; a bargain, when viewed in hindsight, but an astronomical sum at the time.
This is the point where musical historians start to diverge in opinion. For many, the whole of his subsequent work for RCA — encompassing over 20 years — was a steady letdown, never recapturing the pure, primal energy that was harnessed so effectively on the handful of Sun singles. Elvis, however, was not a purist. What he wanted, more than anything, was to be successful. To do that, his material needed more of a pop feel; in any case, he'd never exactly been one to disparage the mainstream, naming Dean Martin as one of his chief heroes from the get-go. At RCA, his rockabilly was leavened with enough pop flavor to make all of the charts, not just the country ones.
At the beginning, at least, the results were hardly any tamer than the Sun sessions. "Heartbreak Hotel," his first single, rose to number one and, aided by some national television appearances, helped make Elvis an instant superstar. "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You" was a number one follow-up; the double-sided monster "Hound Dog"/"Don't Be Cruel" was one of the biggest-selling singles the industry had ever experienced up to that point. Albums and EPs were also chart-toppers, not just in the U.S., but throughout the world. The 1956 RCA recordings, while a bit more sophisticated in production and a bit less rootsy in orientation than his previous work, were still often magnificent, rating among the best and most influential recordings of early rock & roll.
Elvis' (and Colonel Parker's) aspirations were too big to be limited to records and live appearances. By late 1956, his first Hollywood movie, Love Me Tender, had been released; other screen vehicles would follow in the next few years, Jailhouse Rock being the best. The hits continued unabated, several of them ("Jailhouse Rock," "All Shook Up," "Too Much") excellent, and often benefiting from the efforts of top early rock songwriter Otis Blackwell, as well as the emerging team of Jerry Leiber-Mike Stoller. The Jordanaires added both pop and gospel elements with their smooth backup Vocals.
Yet worrisome signs were creeping in. The Dean Martin influence began rearing his head in smoky, sentimental ballads such as "Loving You"; the Vocals swoops became more exaggerated and stereotypical, although the overall quality of his output remained high. And although Moore and Black continued to back Elvis on his early RCA recordings, within a few years the musicians had gone their own ways.
Presley's recording and movie careers were interrupted by his induction into the Army in early 1958. There was enough material in the can to flood the charts throughout his two-year absence (during which he largely served in Germany). When he re-entered civilian life in 1960, his popularity, remarkably, was at just as high a level as when he left.
One couldn't, unfortunately, say the same for the quality of his music, which was not just becoming more sedate, but was starting to either repeat itself, or opt for operatic ballads that didn't have a whole lot to do with rock. Elvis' rebellious, wild image had been tamed to a large degree as well, as he and Parker began designing a career built around Hollywood films. Shortly after leaving the Army, in fact, Presley gave up live performing altogether for nearly a decade to concentrate on movie-making. The films, in turn, would serve as vehicles to both promote his records and to generate maximum revenue with minimal effort. For the rest of the '60s, Presley ground out two or three movies a year that, while mostly profitable, had little going for them in the way of story, acting, or social value.
While there were some quality efforts on Presley's early-'60s albums, his discography was soon dominated by forgettable soundtracks, mostly featuring material that was dispensable or downright ridiculous. In time he became largely disinterested in devoting much time to his craft in the studio. The soundtrack LPs themselves were sometimes filled out with outtakes that had been in the can for years (and these, sadly, were often the highlights of the albums). There were some good singles in the early '60s, like "Return to Sender"; once in a while there was even a flash of superb, tough rock, like "Little Sister" or "(Marie's the Name) His Latest Flame." But by 1963 or so there was little to get excited about, although he continued to sell in large quantities.
The era spanning, roughly, 1962-1967 has generated a school of Elvis apologists, eager to wrestle any kernel of quality that emerged from his recordings during this period. They also point out that Presley was assigned poor material, and assert that Colonel Parker was largely responsible for Presley's emasculation. True to a point, but on the other hand it could be claimed, with some validity, that Presley himself was doing little to rouse himself from his artistic stupor, letting Parker destroy his artistic credibility without much apparent protest, and holing up in his large mansion with a retinue of yes-men that protected their benefactor from much day-to-day contact with a fast-changing world.
The Beatles, all big Elvis fans, displaced Presley as the biggest rock act in the world in 1964. What's more, they did so by writing their own material and playing their own instruments; something Elvis had never been capable of, or particularly aspired to. They, and the British and American groups the Beatles influenced, were not shy about expressing their opinions, experimenting musically, and taking the reins of their artistic direction into their own hands. The net effect was to make Elvis Presley, still churning out movies in Hollywood as psychedelia and soul music became the rage, seem irrelevant, even as he managed to squeeze out an obscure Dylan cover ("Tomorrow Is a Long Time") on a 1966 soundtrack album.
By 1967 and 1968, there were slight stirrings of an artistic reawakening by Elvis. Singles like "Guitar Man," "Big Boss Man," and "U.S. Male," though hardly classics, were at least genuine rock & roll that sounded better than much of what he'd been turning out for years. A 1968 television special gave Presley the opportunity he needed to reinvent himself as an all-out leather-coated rocker, still capable of magnetizing an audience, and eager to revisit his blues and country roots.
The 1968 album Elvis in Memphis was the first LP in nearly a decade in which Presley seemed cognizant of current trends, as he updated his sounds with contemporary compositions and touches of soul to create some reasonably gutsy late-'60s pop/rock. This material, and 1969 hits like "Suspicious Minds" and "In the Ghetto," returned him to the top of the charts. Arguably, it's been overrated by critics, who were so glad to have him singing rock again that they weren't about to carp about the slickness of some of the production, or the mediocrity of some of the songwriting.
But Elvis' voice did sound good, and he returned to live performing in 1969, breaking in with weeks of shows in Las Vegas. This was followed by national tours that proved him to still be an excellent live entertainer, even if the exercises often reeked of show-biz extravaganza. (Elvis never did play outside of North America and Hawaii, possibly because Colonel Parker, it was later revealed, was an illegal alien who could have faced serious problems if he traveled abroad.) Hollywood was history, but studio and live albums were generated at a rapid pace, usually selling reasonably well, although Presley never had a Top Ten hit after 1972's "Burning Love."
Presley's 1970s recordings, like most of his '60s work, are the focus of divergent critical opinion. Some declare them to be, when Elvis was on, the equal of anything he did, especially in terms of artistic diversity. It's true that the material was pretty eclectic, running from country to blues to all-out rock to gospel (Presley periodically recorded gospel-only releases, going all the way back to 1957). At the same time, his Vocals mannerisms were often stilted, and the material — though not nearly as awful as that '60s soundtrack filler — sometimes substandard. Those who are not serious Elvis fans will usually find this late-period material to hold only a fraction of the interest of his '50s classics.
Elvis' final years have been the subject of a cottage industry of celebrity bios, tell-alls, and gossip screeds from those who knew him well, or (more likely) purported to know him well. Those activities are really beyond the scope of a mini-bio such as this, but it's enough to note that his behavior was becoming increasingly instable. His weight fluctuated wildly; his marriage broke up; he became dependent upon a variety of prescription drugs. Worst of all, he became isolated from the outside world except for professional purposes (he continued to tour until the end), rarely venturing outside of his Graceland mansion in Memphis. Colonel Parker's financial decisions on behalf of his client have also come in for much criticism.
On August 16, 1977, Presley was found dead in Graceland. The cause of death remains a subject of widespread speculation, although it seems likely that drugs played a part. An immediate cult (if cult is the way to describe millions of people) sprang up around his legacy, kept alive by the hundreds of thousands of visitors who make the pilgrimage to Graceland annually. Elvis memorabilia, much of it kitsch, is another industry in his own right. Dozens if not hundreds make a comfortable living by impersonating the King in live performance. And then there are all those Elvis sightings, reported in tabloids on a seemingly weekly basis.
Although Presley had recorded a mammoth quantity of both released and unreleased material for RCA, the label didn't show much interest in repackaging it with the respect due such a pioneer. Haphazard collections of outtakes and live performances were far rarer than budget reissues and countless repackagings of the big hits. In the CD age, RCA finally began to treat the catalog with some of the reverence it deserved, at long last assembling a box set containing nearly all of the 1950s recordings. Similar, although less exciting, box sets were documenting the 1960s, the 1970s, and his soundtrack recordings. And exploitative reissues of Elvis material continue to appear constantly, often baited with one or two rare outtakes or alternates to entice the completists (of which there are many). In death, as in life, Presley continues to be one of RCA's most consistent earners. Fortunately, with a little discretion, a good Elvis library can be built with little duplication, sticking largely to the most highly recommended selections.

Talents : Vocals, Guitar

Style musical : Rock 'n' Roll, Rockabilly, Pop-Rock


HOUND DOG (1956)





Years in activity :

1910 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2000 10 20


78 t., Singles & EP

07/1954 78 t. SUN 209 (US) . ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
07/1954 SP SUN 209 (US) ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
09/1954 78 t. SUN 210 (US) . ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - Good Rockin' Tonight / I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine
09/1954 SP SUN 210 (US) ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - Good Rockin' Tonight / I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine
01/1955 78 t. SUN 215 (US) . ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
01/1955 SP SUN 215 (US) ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
05/1955 78 t. SUN 217 (US) . ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - Baby Let's Play House / I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
05/1955 SP SUN 217 (US) ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - Baby Let's Play House / I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
08/1955 78 t. SUN 223 (US) . ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
08/1955 SP SUN 223 (US) ELVIS PRESEY - SCOTTY & BILL - Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
12/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6357 (US) . Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
12/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6357 (US) Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
12/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6380 (US) . That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
12/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6380 (US) That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
12/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6381 (US) . I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine / Good Rockin' Tonight
12/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6381 (US) I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine / Good Rockin' Tonight
12/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6382 (US) . Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
12/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6382 (US) Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
12/1955 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6383 (US) . Baby Let's Play House / I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
12/1955 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6383 (US) Baby Let's Play House / I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
02/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6420 (US) . Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
02/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6420 (US) Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
03/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-747 (US) Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti / I Got A Woman / Just Because
DISC 1 : Blue Suede Shoes / I'm Counting On You / I Got A Woman / One Sided Love Affair

DISC 2 : Tutti Frutti / Tryin' To Get To You / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin')

DISC 1 : Blue Suede Shoes / I'm Counting On You / I Got A Woman / One Sided Love Affair

DISC 2 : Tutti Frutti / Tryin' To Get To You / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin')

05/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6540 (US) . I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / My Baby Left Me
05/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6540 (US) I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / My Baby Left Me
05/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-821 (US) Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One / Money Honey / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
07/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6604 (US) . Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
07/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6604 (US) Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
08/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6636 (US) . Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
08/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6636 (US) Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
08/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6637 (US) . I Got A Woman / I'm Counting On You
08/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6637 (US) I Got A Woman / I'm Counting On You
08/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6638 (US) . I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I'll Never Let You Go
08/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6638 (US) I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I'll Never Let You Go
08/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6639 (US) . Tryin' To Get To You / I Love You Because
08/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6639 (US) Tryin' To Get To You / I Love You Because
08/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6640 (US) . Blue Moon / Just Because
08/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6640 (US) Blue Moon / Just Because
08/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6641 (US) . Money Honey One Sided Love Affair
08/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6641 (US) Money Honey One Sided Love Affair
08/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6642 (US) . Lawdy, Miss Clawdy / Shake Rattle And Roll
08/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6642 (US) Lawdy, Miss Clawdy / Shake Rattle And Roll
09/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 830 (US) Shake Rattle And Roll / I Love You Because / Blue Moon / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy
09/1956 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6643 (US) . Anyway You Want Me / Love Me Tender
09/1956 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6643 (US) Anyway You Want Me / Love Me Tender
10/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-940 (US)

THE REAL ELVIS - Don't Be Cruel / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / Hound Dog / My Baby Left Me

10/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-965 (US)

ANY WAY YOU WANT ME - Any Way You Want Me / I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone / I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine / Mystery Train


DISC 1 : Blue Suede Shoes / I'm Counting On You / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin')

DISC 2 : I Got A Woman / One Sided Love Affair / Tutti Frutti / Tryin' To Get To You
10/1956 EP RCA VICTOR DJ-7 (US) . Elvis Presley : Love Me Tender / Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be) / Jean Chapel : Welcome To The Club / I Won't Be Rockin' Tonight
1956 3 EP RCA VICTOR SPD-23 (US) Elvis Presley :
DISC 1 : Blue Suede Shoes / I'm Counting On You / I Got A Woman / One Sided Love Affair

DISC 2 : I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin') / Tutti Frutti / Tryin' To Get To You

DISC 3 : Don't Be Cruel / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / Hound Dog / My Baby Left Me
10/1956 EP RCA EPA 9500 (GER) Rockin' Presley - Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / Heartbreak Hotel
11/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-992 (US) ELVIS VOL. 1 - Rit It Up / Love Me / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Paralyzed
11/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-993 (US) ELVIS VOL. 2 - So Glad You're Mine / Old Shep / Ready Teddy / Anyplace Is Paradise
11/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-994 (US) ELVIS VOL. 3 - Long Tall Sally / First In Line / How Do You Think I Feel / How's The World Treating You
11/1956 EP RCA VICTOR 599-9141 (CAN) GREAT COUNTRY HITS - Blue Moon Of Kentucky / Love Me Tender / Milkcow Boogie Blues / Mystery Train
11/1956 EP RCA 75.309 (F)

Rock And Roll N°1 - I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Mystery Train / I Was The One / Heartbreak Hotel

11/1956 EP RCA 75.319 (F)

Rock And Roll N°2 - Don't Be Cruel / Hound Dog / My Baby Left Me / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You

11/1956 EP RCA 75.320 (F) Rock And Roll N°3 - Shake Rattle And Roll / Blue Suede Shoes / Blue Moon / Tutti Frutti
11/1956 SP VICTOR ES-5054 (JAP) Hound Dog / Money Honey
12/1956 EP RCA 75.347 (F)

Rock And Roll N°4 - I Got A Woman / I'm Counting On You / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I Love You Because

12/1956 EP RCA 75.348 (F) Rock And Roll N°5 - Money Honey / Just Because / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy One Sided Love Affair
12/1956 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4006 (US) LOVE ME TENDER - Love Me Tender / Let Me / Poor Boy / We're Gonna Move
12/1956 EP RCA 75.364 (F) LOVE ME TENDER - Love Me Tender / Let Me / Poor Boy / We're Gonna Move
12/1956 78 t. VICTOR S-281 (JAP) Love Me Tender (やさしく愛して) / Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be) (どっちみち俺のもの)
1956 SP RCA 45.373 (F) . Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
1956 EP RCA  75.309 (F)

Rock And Roll N° 2 - I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Mystery Train / I Was The One / Heartbreak Hotel

1956 SP RCA  45N 0520 (I) My Baby Left Me / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy
1956 EP RCA  3-20161 (S)

Elvis Presley Y El Rock And Roll - Me Abandonó Mi Niña / Te Quiero, Te Necesito, Te Amo / Zapatos Azules De Gamuza / Tutti Frutti


Heartbreak Hotel - Heartbreak Hotel / Good Rockin' Tonight / Money Honey / I Forgot To Remember To Forget

1956 EP RCA VICTOR MKE 174 (MEX) Don't Be Cruel - Don't Be Cruel / I Love You Because / Hound Dog / Blue Moon
01/1957 78 t. RCA 20-6643 (NZ) Love Me Tender / Anyway You Want Me.
01/1957 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6800 (US) . Playing For Keeps / Too Much
01/1957 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6800 (US) Playing For Keeps / Too Much
01/1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-994 (US) STRICTLY ELVIS - Long Tall Sally / First In Line / How Do You Think I Feel / How's The World Treating You
01/1957 EP RCA VICTOR DJ-56 (US) (promo) .

Too Much (Elvis PRESLEY) / Playing For Keeps (Elvis PRESLEY) / Chantez-Chantez (Dinah Shore) / Honkey Tonk Heart (Dinah Shore)

01/1957 EP HIS MASTER'S VOICE 7EG 8199 (UK) Love Me Tender - Love Me Tender / Let Me / Poor Boy / We're Gonna Move
03/1957 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-6870 (US) . All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
03/1957 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6870 (US) All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
04/1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4041 (US) JUST FOR YOU - I Need You So / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Blueberry Hill / Is It So Strange
04/1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4054 (US) Peace In The Valley / It Is No Secret / I Believe / Take My Hand Precious Lord
04/1957 EP RCA 75.405 (F) All Shook Up / To Much / Playing For Keeps / That's Where Your Heartaches Begin
06/1957 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-7000 (US) . Teddy Bear / Loving You
06/1957 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7000 (US)
Teddy Bear / Loving You
06/1957 78 t. VICTOR S-302 (JAP) All Shook Up (Elvis PRESLEY) / Mama Guitar (Julius La Rosa)
08/1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 1-1515 (US) LOVING YOU VOL. I - Loving You / Party / Teddy Bear / True Love
08/1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 2-1515 (US) LOVING YOU VOL. II - Lonesome Cowboy / Hot Dog / Mean Woman Blues / Got A Lot O' Lovin' To Do
08/1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 3-1515 (US)

LOVING YOU VOL. III - Blueberry Hill / Don't Leave Me Now / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / I Need You So

08/1957 SP RCA 45.408 (F) . (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Loving You
09/1957 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-7035 (US) . Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
09/1957 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7035 (US)
Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
09/1957 EP HIS MASTER'S VOICE 7EG 8256 (UK) Good Rockin' Tonight - Blue Moon Of Kentucky / Good Rockin' Tonight / Milk Cow Blues / Just Because
10/1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4114 (US)

JAILHOUSE ROCK - Jailhouse Rock / Young And Beautiful / I Want To Be Free / Don't Leave Me Now / Baby I Don't Care

10/1957 EP RCA 75.406 (F) Loving You N°1 - Loving You / Party / Teddy Bear / True Love
10/1957 EP RCA 75.415 (F) Loving You N°2 - Lonesome Cowboy / Hot Dog / Mean Woman Blues / Got A Lot O' Lovin' To Do
10/1957 EP RCA VICTOR RCX 104 (UK) I Need You So / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Blueberry Hill / Don't Leave Me Now
1957 SP RCA 45.450 (F) Don't Be Cruel / Blue Suede Shoes
1957 SP RCA 45.453 (F) . Love Me Tender / Any Way You Want Me
10/1957 SP RCA 45.454 (F) . Too Much / Playin' For Keeps
11/1957 EP RCA 20041 (AUS) Rip It Up - Rip It Up / First In Line / Ready Teddy / Tryin' To Get To You
11/1957 EP RCA 20042 (AUS) Love Me - Love Me / So Glad You're Mine / Blue Suede Shoes / I Love You Because
11/1957 EP RCA 20043 (AUS) Tutti Frutti - Tutti Frutti / Just Because / Paralysed / Long Tall Sally
11/1957 EP RCA 20044 (AUS) Old Shep - Old Shep / I'll Never Let You Go / How Do You Think I Feel / Anyplace Is Paradise
11/1957 EP RCA 20045 (AUS)

I'm Counting On You - When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / How's The World Treating You / I'm Counting On You / I Got A Woman

11/1957 EP RCA 20046 (AUS) Blue Moon - One-Sided Love Affair / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry / Blue Moon / Money Honey
12/1957 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4108 (US) Santa Bring My Back Buck / Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town / I'll Be Home For Christmas
12/1957 EP RCA 85.249 (F) White Christmas / Silent Night / I Believe / Blue Christmas
12/1957 SP VICTOR SS-1045 (JAP) White Christmas /Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane)
12/1957 SP VICTOR SS-1048 (JAP) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
1957 SP RILEY (CAN) Vancouver Press Conference - Interview / Interview
1957 SP RCA 45N 0611 (I) Loving You / (Let Me Be) Your Teddy Bear
1957 SP RCA 45N 0612 (I) All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
1957 SP RCA 45N 0616 (I) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
1957 EP RCA A72V 0072 (I) My Baby Left Me / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
1957 EP RCA EPA 30-091 (I) RIP IT UP - Rip It Up / Love Me / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Long Tall Sally
1957 SP RCA 3-10052 (S) . Perro De Caza (Hound Dog) / No Seas Cruel (Don't Be Cruel)
1957 EP RCA 3-20195 (S) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice / All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
1957 EP RCA 51.009 POPULAR (SA) Love Me Tender - Love Me Tender / Let Me / Poor Boy / We're Gonna Move
1957 EP RCA 51.010 (SA) Peace In The Valley - Peace In The Valley / It Is No Secret / I Believe / Take My Hand Precious Lord

No Me Didas No [Don't] / Hotel De Corazone Destrozado [Heartbreak Hotel] / Perro Feroz [Hound Dog] / Fiesta [Party]

01/1958 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-7150 (US) . Don't / I Beg Of You
01/1958 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7150 (US) Don't / I Beg Of You
01/1958 EP RCA 75.432 (F)

Jailhouse Rock - Jailhouse Rock / Young And Beautiful / I Want To Be Free / Don't Leave Me Now / Baby I Don't Care

01/1958 EP RCA RCX 106 (UK)

Jailhouse Rock - Jailhouse Rock / Young And Beautiful / I Want To Be Free / Don't Leave Me Now / Baby I Don't Care

04/1958 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-7240 (US) . Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
04/1958 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7240  (US) Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
1958 SP RCA 47-7240 (DK) Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
06/1958 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-7280 (US) . Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why
06/1958 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7280 (US) Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why
06/1958 EP RCA 75.445 (F) Don't / I Beg Of You / Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
07/1958 SP RCA 47-7240 (DK) Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
07/1958 SP VICTOR SS-1084 (JAP) Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
07/1958 EP RCA EPA 9561 (GER)

Playing For Keeps - Playing For Keeps / Too Much / Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time

07/1958 EP RCA EPA 9541 (DK) Treat Me Nice - I Beg Of You / Treat Me Nice / All Shook Up / Don't
07/1958 EP RCA 20101 (AUS) Loving You - Vol. 1 - Loving You / Party / Teddy Bear / True Love
08/1958 EP RCA EPA 9562 (GER)

Good Rockin' Tonight - Good Rockin' Tonight / Blue Moon Of Kentucky / Milkcow Blues Boogie / That's All Right

08/1958 EP RCA EPB 1035-1 (GER)

Elvis' Christmas Album - 1 - Santa Claus Is Back In Town / Here Comes Santa Claus / White Christmas / I'll Be Home For Christmas

08/1958 EP RCA EPB 1035-2 (GER)

Elvis' Christmas Album - 2 - Blue Christmas / Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me) / Silent Night / Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem

08/1958 SP RCA 47-7280 (DK) Hard Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why
09/1958 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4319 (US) KING CREOLE VOL.1 - King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
09/1958 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4321 (US) KING CREOLE VOL.2 - Trouble / Young Dreams / Crawfish / Dixieland Rock
09/1958 EP RCA EPA 9617 (GER)

Elvis Presley Sings - Hard Headed Woman / Steadfast, Loyal And True / Don't Ask Me Why / That's When Your Heartaches Begin

09/1958 SP RCA 47-6643 (DK) Love Me Tender / Any Way You Want Me
1958 SP RCA 45.314 (F) King Creole / Crawfish
1958 SP RCA 45.418 (F) . Don't / I Beg Of You
1958 SP RCA 45.427 (F) . Hard Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why
09/1958 EP RCA 75474 (F) King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
09/1958 EP RCA 75475 (F) Trouble / Young Dreams / Crawfish / Dixieland Rock
10/1958 EP RCA RCX 117 (UK) KING CREOLE VOL.1 - King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
10/1958 EP RCA RCX 118 (UK) KING CREOLE VOL.2 - Trouble / Young Dreams / Crawfish / Dixieland Rock
1958 EP RCA VICTOR 45 EP 584-5042 (BRA) King Creole - King Creole / Hard Headed Woman / As Long As I Have You / New Orleans
10/1958 78 t. RCA VICTOR 20-7410 (US) . I Got Stung / One Night
10/1958 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7410 (US) I Got Stung / One Night
1958 SP RCA 47-7410 (US) One Night / I Got Stung
10/1958 EP RCA RCX 121 (UK) Elvis Sings Christmas Songs - Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me) / Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town / I'll Be Home For Christmas (If Only In My Dreams)
10/1958 EP RCA 20126 (AUS) Elvis Sings Christmas Songs - Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me) / Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town / I'll Be Home For Christmas
10/1958 EP RCA ADEP 103 (DK) Rockin' Presley - Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Paralyzed
10/1958 EP RCA 20129 (AUS) Loving You - Vol 2 - Lonesome Cowboy / Hot Dog / Mean Woman Blues / Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do!
11/1958 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4340 (US) CHRISTMAS WITH ELVIS - White Christmas / Here Comes Santa Claus / Oh Little Town Of Beethlehem / Silent Night
12/1958 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4325 (US) ELVIS SAILS - Press interview with Elvis Presley, 22.09.1958 / Elvis Presley's newsreel interview / Pat Hernon interviews Elvis at sailing
1958 SP RCA 45N 0670 (I) Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
1958 SP RCA 45N 0726 (I) I Got Stung / One Night
1958 SP RCA 45N 0726 (I) One Night / I Got Stung
1958 SP RCA VICTOR 47-1009 (DK) Tutti Frutti / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
1958 SP RCA 47-1009 (DK) Tutti Frutti / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
1958 SP RCA 47-9154 (DK) I Want To Be Free (From The Film 'Jailhouse Rock') / Baby I Don't Care (From The Film 'Jailhouse Rock')

Melodia Siniestra Volumen 1 (King Creole) - Melodia Siniestra (King Creole) / Nueva Orleans (New Orleans) / Mientras Te Tenga A Ti (As Long As I Have You) / Muñequita Amada (Lover Doll)

1958 ? EP RCA VICTOR MKE 235 (MEX) Elvis' Golden Records - Teddy Bear / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / All Shook Up / Jailhouse Rock
1958 ? EP RCA VICTOR MKE 267 (MEX) Elvis Gold Records - I Got Stung / A Big Hunk O' Love / One Night / I Need You Love Tonight
01/1959 EP RCA RCX 135 (UK) Elvis In Tender Mood - Young And Beautiful / Lover Doll / True Love / Love Me Tender
02/1959 EP RCA EPA 9644 (GER) One Night With Elvis Presley - One Night / You're A Heartbreaker / I Got Stung / Baby Let's Play House
03/1959 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7506 (US) I Need Your Love Tonight / A Fool Such As I
03/1959 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7506 (DK) I Need Your Love Tonight / A Fool Such As I
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0600 (US) . Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget  
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0601 (US) That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0602 (US) Good Rockin' Tonight / I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0603 (US) . Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0605 (US) Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0607 (US) . I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / My Baby Left Me
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0608 (US) Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0609 (US) . Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0610 (US) . I'm Counting On You / I Got A Woman
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0612 (US) . Tryin' To Get To You / I Love You Because
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0613 (US) . Blue Moon / Just Because
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0614 (US) . Money Honey / One Sided Love Affair
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0615 (US) . Shake Rattle And Roll / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0616 (US) . Love Me Tender / Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be)
1959 ? SP RCA P 33 (B) Love Me Tender / Anyway You Want Me
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0617 (US) . Too Much / Playing For Keeps
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0618 (US) All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0619 (US) . Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
03/1959 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0620 (US) . (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Loving You
03/1959 EP RCA EPA 9656 (GER) Just Because / Is It So Strange / (Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight
04/1959 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 5088 (US) A TOUCH OF GOLD VOL. 1 - Hard Headed Woman / Good Rockin' Tonight / Don't / I Beg Of You
04/1959 EP RCA 75.513 (F) One Night / I Got Stung / I Need Your Love Tonight / A Fool Such As I
05/1959 SP VICTOR SS-1134 (JAP) I Need Your Love Tonight / A Fool Such As I
06/1959 SP RCA 47-7506 (DK) A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight
06/1959 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7600 (US) A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True
1959 SP RCA 47-7600 (DK) A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True
1959 SP RCA 47-7600 (DK) A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True
08/1959 EP RCA EPA 9673 (GER) A Big Hunk O' Love - A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True / Money Honey / Ready Teddy
09/1959 SP VICTOR SS-1156 (JAP) A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True
10/1959 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 5101 (US)

A TOUCHE OF GOLD VOL. 2 - Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Treat Me Nice / One Night / That's All Right

10/1959 EP RCA VICTOR 20222 (AUS) A Touch Of Gold - Hard Headed Woman / Good Rockin' Tonight / Don't / I Beg Of You
10/1959 SP VICTOR SS-1174 (JAP) Blue Christmas / Silent Night
11/1959 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 5120 (US)

THE REAL ELVIS : Don't Be Cruel / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You  / Hound Dog / My Baby Left Me

11/1959 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 5121 (US) Peace In The Valley / It Is No Secret / I Believe / Take My Hand Precious Lord
11/1959 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 5122 (US) KING CREOLE VOL.1 - King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You - Lover Doll
12/1959 EP RCA VICTOR 86.249 (F) White Christmas / Silent Night / I Believe / Blue Christmas
1959 SP RCA 45.300 (F) One Night / I Got Stung
1959 SP RCA 45.329 (F) I Need Your Love Tonight / A Fool Such As I
1959 SP RCA 45.337 (F) . My Wish Came True / A Big Hunk Of Love
1959 EP RCA 3-20238 (S) Cuelga Mi Anillo En Tu Cuello / No Crees Que Es Tiempo? / Un Tonto Como Yo / Necesito Tu Amor
1959 SP RCA 47-6870 (DK) All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
1959 SP RCA 47-7035 (DK) Treat Me Nice / Jailhouse Rock
1959 SP RCA 47-9227 (DK) That's All Right / You're A Heartbreaker
1959 EP RCA EPA-821 (DK) Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One / Money Honey / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
01/1960 EP RCA RCX 175 (UK) Strictly Elvis - Old Shep / Any Place Is Paradise / Paralyzed / Is It So Strange
02/1960 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 5141 (US) A TOUCH OF GOLD VOLUME 3 - All Shook Up / Don't Ask Me Why / Too Much / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
03/1960 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7740 (US) Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
03/1960 SP RCA VICTOR 61-7740 (US) (special edition) . Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
04/1960 SP VICTOR SS-1212 (JAP) Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
05/1960 SP RCA 47-7740 (DK) Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
1960 SP RCA 45N 1045 (I) Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
1960 SP RCA 10877 (AUS) Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
06/1960 EP RCA 75.607 (F) Le Retour D'Elvis 1 - Make Me Know It / Soldier Boy / Dirty Dirty Feeling / I Will Be Home Again
06/1960 EP RCA 75.608 (F) Le Retour D'Elvis 2 - Such A Night / The Girl Of My Best Friend / It Feels So Right / Reconsider Baby
06/1960 EP RCA EPA 4361 (GER) Such A Night - Such A Night / It Feels So Right / Like A Baby / Make Me Know It
07/1960 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7777 (US) A Mess Of Blues / It's Now Or Never
07/1960 SP RCA VICTOR 61-7777 (US) (special edition) . A Mess Of Blues / It's Now Or Never
1960 SP RCA 32020 (S) It's Now Or Never (Ahora O Nunca) / A Mess Of Blues (Un Poquito De Azul)
08/1960 SP RCA 47-9314 (GER) O Sole Mio (It's Now Or Never) / Make Me Know It
08/1960 SP RCA 47-9314 (DK) O Sole Mio (It's Now Or Never) / Make Me Know It
1960 SP RCA S-RC 8006 (YUG) O Sole Mio (It's Now Or Never) / Make Me Know It
1960 SP RCA 45N 1088 (I) It's Now Or Never / Make Me Know It
1960 SP RCA 45N 1096 (I) A Mess Of Blues / The Girl Of My Best Friend
09/1960 EP RCA 75.619 (F) It's Now Or Never / A Mess Of Blues / Fame And Fortune / Stuck On You
10/1960 EP RCA 75.619 (F) It's Now Or Never / A Mess Of Blues / Fame And Fortune / Stuck On You
10/1960 EP RCA RCX 190 (UK) Such A Night - Such A Night / It Feels So Right / Like A Baby / Make Me Know It
1960 EP RCA 20255 (AUS) Such A Night - Such A Night / It Feels So Right / Like A Baby / Make Me Know It
10/1960 EP RCA EPA 9775 (GER) O Sole Mio - It's Now Or Never (O Sole Mio) / A Mess Of Blues / Fame And Fortune / Stuck On You
11/1960 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7810 (US) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
11/1960 SP RCA VICTOR 61-7810 (US) (special edition) . Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
11/1960 SP RCA 47-7810 (GER) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
1960 SP RCA 45.455 (F) . Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
1960 SP RCA 45.460 (F) . Fever / Dirty, Dirty Feeling
1960 SP RCA 45.464 (F) . A Mess Of Blues / The Girl Of My Best Friend
1960 SP RCA 45.465 (F) . It's Now Or Never / Make Me Know It
12/1960 SP RCA 45.469 (F) . Wooden Heart / Tonight's All Right For Love
12/1960 SP VICTOR SS-1251 (JAP) G. I. Blues / Doin' The Best I Can
1960 EP RCA VICTOR AVE-318 (ARG) El Incomparable - Hard Headed Woman / Good Rockin' Tonight / Don't / I Beg Of You
1961 SP RCA 45N 1140 (I) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
1961 SP RCA 47-7810 (DK) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
02/1961 EP RCA 86.285 (F)

G.I. Blues "Café Europa En Uniforme" - Tonight's Alright For Love / Wooden Heart / G.I. Blues / Didja Ever

02/1961 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7850 (US) Surrender / Lonely Man
02/1961 SP RCA VICTOR 61-7850 (US) (special edition) . Surrender / Lonely Man
02/1961 SP United States Air Force PROGRAM NR. 159 (US) . Surrender (Elvis PRESLEY) / Out Of A Clear Blue Sky (Lawrence Welk)
03/1961 EP 33 t. RCA VICTOR LPC-128 (US) Elvis By Request, Flaming Star - Flaming Star / Summer Kisses Winter Tears / It's Now Or Never / Are You Lonesome Tonight
1961 EP RCA VICTOR MIKE 317 (MEX) Elvis By Request, Flaming Star - Flaming Star / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears / Are You Lonesome Tonight? / It's Now Or Never
03/1961 EP RCA 86.303 (F) Surrender - Surrender / Flaming Star / Lonely Man / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears
04/1961 EP 33 t. RCA 33001 (F) Surrender / Lonely Man / Flaming Star / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears
04/1961 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0621 (US) . Don't / I Beg Of You
04/1961 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0622 (US) . Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
04/1961 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0623 (US) . Hard Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why
04/1961 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0624 (US) . One Night / I Got Stung
04/1961 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0625 (US) . (Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight
05/1961 EP RCA 86.295 (F) All Shook Up / To Much / Playing For Keeps / That's Where Your Heartaches Begin
05/1961 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7880 (US) I Feel So Bad / Wild In The Country
05/1961 SP 33 t. RCA VICTOR 37-7880 (US) . I Feel So Bad / Wild In The Country
1961 SP RCA 47-7880 (DK) Wild In The Country / I Feel So Bad
05/1961 EP RCA EPA 9009 (F) Elvis By Request - By Request / Wild The Country / Frankfort Special / G.I. Blues
05/1961 EP RCA EPA 9011 (F) Elvis By Request - Flaming Star / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears / Franfort Special / G.I. Blues
1961 EP 33 t. RCA LPC-128 (S) Elvis By Request - Flaming Star / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears / Are You Lonesome Tonight? / It's Now Or Never
1961 EP RCA 20258 (AUS) Elvis By Request - Flaming Star / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears / Are You Lonesome Tonight? / It's Now Or Never
06/1961 EP RCA 86.294 (F) Love Me Tender / Let Me / Poor Boy / We're Gonna Move
06/1961 EP RCA 86.298 (F) JAILHOUSE ROCK - Jailhouse Rock / Young And Beautiful / I Want To Be Free / Don't Leave Me Now / Baby I Don't Care
06/1961 EP 33 t. VICTOR CP-1001 (JAP) Flaming Star - Flaming Star / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears / Are You Lonesome To-Night? / It's Now Or Never
07/1961 EP RCA 86.286 (F) Make Me Know It / Soldier Boy / Dirty Dirty Feeling / I Will Be Home Again
07/1961 EP RCA 86.289 (F) Rock And Roll No 3 - I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Mystery Train / I Was The One / Heartbreak Hotel
07/1961 EP RCA 86.290 (F) Rock And Roll No 1 - Don't Be Cruel / Hound Dog / My Baby Left Me / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
07/1961 EP RCA 86.291 (F) Rock And Roll No 2 - Shake Rattle And Roll / Blue Suede Shoes / Blue Moon / Tutti Frutti
07/1961 EP RCA 86.292 (F) Rock And Roll No 4 - I Got A Woman / I'm Counting On You / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I Love You Because
07/1961 EP RCA 86.293 (F) Rock And Roll No 5 - Money Honey / Just Because / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy One Sided Love Affair
08/1961 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7908 (US) Little Sister / (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame
1961 SP RCA 37-7908 (S) (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame / Little Sister
1961 SP RCA SRC-8077 (YUG) Marie's The Name His Latest Flame / Little Sister
09/1961 EP 33 t. VICTOR CP-1005 (JAP) 監獄ロック - "Jailhouse Rock" - Jailhouse Rock / Young and Beautiful / I Want To Be Free / Baby I Don't Care / Don't Leave Me Now
09/1961 EP RCA 86.304 (F) LITTLE SISTER - Little Sister / Are You Lonesome Tonight / His Latest Flame / I Gotta Know
09/1961 SP RCA 47-7908 (DK) His Latest Flame / Little Sister
09/1961 SP VICTOR SS-1268 (JAP) I Feel So Bad / Wild In The Country
1961 SP RCA 37-7880 (S) Wild In The Country / I Feel So Bad
09/1961 SP VICTOR SS-1271 (JAP) Wooden Heart / Pocketful Of Rainbows
10/1961 EP RCA 86.287 (F) Le Retour D' Elvis 2 - Such A Night / The Girl Of My Best Friend / It Feels So Right / Reconsider Baby
10/1961 EP RCA 86.300 (F) King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
10/1961 EP RCA 86301 (F) Trouble / Young Dreams / Crawfish / Dixieland Rock
11/1961 EP RCA 86.296 (F) Loving You - Amour Frenetique - 1 - Loving You / Party / Teddy Bear / True Love
11/1961 EP RCA 86.297 (F) LOVING YOU - AMOUR FRéNéTIQUE - 2 - Lonesome Cowboy / Hot Dog / Mean Woman Blues / Got A Lot O' Lovin' To Do
11/1961 EP RCA 86.299 (F) Don't / I Beg Of You / Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
11/1961 SP VICTOR SS-1272 (JAP) Marie's The Name His Latest Flame / Little Sister
1961 SP RCA 45.467 (F) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
1961 SP RCA 45.477 (F) . Surrender / Lonely Man
1961 SP RCA 45.480 (F) . Wild In The Country / I Feel So Bad
1961 SP RCA 45.481 (F) . Little Sister / (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame
1961 EP RCA 86.302 (F) One Night / I Got Stung / I Need Your Love Tonight / A Fool Such As I
11/1961 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7968 (US) BLUE HAWAII - Can't Help Falling In Love / Rock-A-Hula Baby
11/1961 SP RCA 47-7968 (DK) Rock-A-Hula Baby ("Twist" Special) / Can't Help Falling In Love
1961 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 5157 (US) ELVIS SAILS - Press interview with Elvis Presley, 22.09.1958 - Elvis Presley's newsreel interview - Pat Hernon interviews Elvis at sailing
1961 SP RCA 45N 1150 (I) Wooden Heart / G.I. Blues
1961 SP RCA 45N 1160 (I) Torna A Surriento (Surrender) / Lonely Man
1961 SP RCA 45N 1196 (I) His Latest Flame / Little Sister
1961 SP RCA 32023 (S) Perro De Caza (Hound Dog) / No Seas Cruel (Don't Be Cruel)
1961 EP 33 t. RCA 33021 (S) King Creole (El Barrio Contra Mi) - Trouble / Young Dreams / Crawfish / Dixieland Rock
1961 EP 33 t. RCA 33022 (S) King Creole (El Barrio Contra Mi) - King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
1961 EP 33 t. RCA 33054 (S) Me Abandono Mi Niña / Te Quiero, Te Necesito, Te Amo / Zapatos Azules De Gamuza / Tutti Frutti
1961 EP 33 t. RCA 33055 (S) Loving You - Loving You (Amándote) / Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do (Mucha Vida Por Delante) / Blueberry Hill / True Love (Amor Verdadero)
1961 SP RCA 37-2076 (S) Wooden Heart / What's She Reallly Like
1961 SP RCA 37-2080 (S) Rock-A-Hula Baby / Can't Help Falling In Love
1961 SP RCA 47-9279 (DK) Merry Christmas And Happy New Year - Silent Night / White Christmas
1961 SP RCA 47-9333 (DK) A Mess Of Blues / The Girl Of My Best Friend
1961 SP RCA 47-9340 (DK) Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn Zum Städtele Hinaus) / Tonight's All Right For Love (Based On "G'schichten Aus Dem Wienerwald")
01/1962 EP RCA 86.288 (F) It's Now Or Never / A Mess Of Blues / Fame And Fortune /Stuck On You
01/1962 EP RCA EPA 2426 (GER) Blue Hawaii - No More / Blue Hawaii / Moonlight Swim / Almost Always True
02/1962 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0626 (US) . A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True
02/1962 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0627 (US) . Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
02/1962 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0628 (US) . It's Now Or Never (O Sole Mio) / A Mess Of Blues
02/1962 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0629 (US) . Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
02/1962 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0630 (US) . Surrender / Lonely Man
1962 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10134 (S) Surrender / Lonely Man
02/1962 EP RCA 86.305 (F) BLUE HAWAII - No More / Almost Always True / Rock-A-Hula Baby / Can't Help Falling In Love
02/1962 SP VICTOR SS-1278 (JAP) Rock-A-Hula Baby / Can't Help Falling In Love
03/1962 SP RCA VICTOR 47-7992 (US) Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You
03/1962 SP RCA 47-7992 (DK) Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You
03/1962 SP VICTOR SS-1286 (JAP) No More / Blue Hawaii
04/1962 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-4368 (US) Follow That Dream - Follow That Dream / Angel / What A Wonderful Life / I'm Not The Marrying Kind
06/1962 EP RCA VICTOR 86.306 M (F) Follow That Dream - Angel / What A Wonderful Life / I'm Not The Marrying Kind / Follow That Dream
1962 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20355 (S) Follow That Dream - Follow That Dream / Angel / What A Wonderful Life / I'm Not The Marrying Kind
1962 EP RCA 20271 (AUS) Follow That Dream - Follow That Dream / Angel / What A Wonderful Life / I'm Not The Marrying Kind
1962 EP RCA VICTOR EPC 069 (SA) Follow That Dream - Follow That Dream / Angel / What A Wonderful Life / I'm Not The Marrying Kind
1962 EP RCA EP-RC-9098 (YUG) Follow That Dream / Angel / What A Wonderful Life / I'm Not The Marrying Kind
07/1962 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8041 (US) She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
07/1962 EP 33 t. VICTOR CP-1024 (JAP) Follow That Dream - Follow That Dream / Angel / What A Wonderful Life / I'm Not The Marrying Kind
08/1962 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-4371 (US) ELVIS PRESLEY IN Kid Galahad - King Of The Whole Wide World / This Is Living / Riding The Rainbow / Home Is Where The Heart Is / I Got Lucky / A Whistling Tune
08/1962 SP VICTOR SS-1297 (JAP) Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
1962 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10123 (S) Perro De Caza (Hound Dog) / No Seas Cruel (Don't Be Cruel)
09/1962 EP RCA VICTOR 86.307 M (F) ELVIS PRESLEY IN Kid Galahad - King Of The Whole Wide World / This Is Living / Riding The Rainbow / Home Is Where The Heart Is / I Got Lucky / A Whistling Tune
09/1962 SP RCA 47-9417 (GER) ELVIS PRESLEY IN Kid Galahad - King Of The Whole Wide World / Home Is Where The Heart Is
09/1962 EP RCA EPA 9068 (GER) ELVIS PRESLEY IN Kid Galahad - This Is Living / Riding The Rainbow / I Got Lucky / A Whistling Tune
10/1962 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8100 (US) Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From
10/1962 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0634 (US) . Marie's The Name His Latest Flame / Little Sister
10/1962 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0635 (US) . Can't Help Falling In Love / Rock-A-Hula Baby ("Twist" Special)
10/1962 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0636 (US) . Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You
10/1962 EP RCA 86.308 (F) Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You / She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
11/1962 EP RCA EPA 9073 (GER) Kiss Me Quick - Kiss Me Quick / Night Rider / Joshua Fit The Battle / Judy
11/1962 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8100 (DK) Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From
12/1962 SP RCA VICTOR 47-1085 (DK) Kiss Me Quick / No More
12/1962 SP VICTOR SS-1316 (JAP) Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From
12/1962 EP 33 t. VICTOR CP-1037 (JAP) Kid Galahad - King Of The Whole Wide World / This Is Living / Riding The Rainbow / Home Is Where The Heart Is / I Got Lucky / A Whistling Tune
1962 SP RCA VICTOR SP-45-118 (US) (promo) King Of The Whole Wide World / Home Is Where The Heart Is
1962 SP RCA 45.489 (F) . Rock-A-Hula Baby / Can't Help Falling In Love
1962 SP RCA 45.500 (F) . Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You
1962 SP RCA 45.512 (F) . She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
1962 SP RCA 45.523 (F) . Where Do You Come From / Return To Sender
1962 SP RCA 45N 1242 (I) Sentimental Me / No More (La Paloma)
1962 SP RCA 45N 1290 (I) She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hallo
1962 SP RCA 45N 1310 (I) Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From
1962 SP RCA 47-9399 (I) Sentimental Me / No More (La Paloma)
1962 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20385 (S) La Paloma (No More) / Blue Hawaii / Nadando A La Luz De La Luna (Moonlight Swim) / Cierto Casi Siempre (Almost Always True)
1962 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20446 (S) Elvis By Request - Flaming Star / Summer Kisses, Winter Tears / Are You Lonesome Tonight? / It's Now Or Never
1962 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20458 (S) Elvis Presley In Kid Galahad - Rey De Todo El Mundo (King Of The Whole World) / Esto Es Vivir (This Is Living) / Paseando Por El Arco Iris (Riding The Rainbow) / Hogar Es Donde Tienes El Corazón (Home Is Where The Heart Is) / Tengo Suerte (I Got Lucky) / Una Canción Para Silbar (A Whistling Tune)
1962 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20489 (S) King Creole" (El Barrio Contra Mí) - King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
02/1963 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8134 (US) One Broken Heart For Sale / They Remind Me Too Much Of You
02/1963 SP RCA VICTOR 45.531 (F) . One Broken Heart For Sale / They Remind Me Too Much Of You
02/1963 EP RCA VICTOR 86.309 (F) Return To Sender / I Don't Wanna Be Teid / Girls ! Girls ! Girls ! / I Don't Want To
02/1963 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8134 (DK) They Remind Me Too Much Of You / One Broken Heart For Sale
03/1963 EP RCA VICTOR 86.300 (F) King Creole - King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
03/1963 SP RCA 47-9452 (GER) Kiss Me Quick / Night Rider
04/1963 SP RCA 47-9459 (GER) I Got Lucky / Girls! Girls! Girls!
06/1963 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8188 (US) (You're The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around
1963 SP RCA 47-8188 (AUS) (You're The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around
06/1963 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0637 (US) . She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
06/1963 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0638 (US) . Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From
06/1963 SP RCA 47-9466 (GER) The Walls Have Ears / Song Of The Shrimp
09/1963 EP RCA VICTOR 86.310 (F) One Broken Heart For Sale / Relax / (You're The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around
10/1963 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8243 (US) Bossa Nova Baby / Witchcraft 
10/1963 SP VICTOR SS-1361 (JAP) You're The Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around
11/1963 SP RCA VICTOR EPA 9105 (GER) Bossa Nova Baby - Bossa Nova Baby / Relax / Witchcraft / Fever
1963 SP RCA VICTOR 45.542 (F) Please Don't Drag That String Around / (You're The) Devil In Disguise
1963 SP RCA VICTOR 45.549 (F) Bossa Nova Baby / Witchcraft 
12/1963 EP RCA VICTOR 86.352 (F) BOSSA NOVA BABY - Bossa Nova Baby / Vino, Dinero Y Amor / Fun In Acapulco / No Room To Rumba In A Sports Car
1963 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20586 (S) La Novia De Mi Mejor Amigo (The Girl Of My Best Friend) / Mi Vecina (The Girl Next Door) / Sospecha (Suspicion) / Bésame Pronto (Kiss Me Quick)
1963 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20698 (S) Chicas, Chicas, Chicas! (Girls! Girls! Girls!) / Por Un Amor (Because Of Love) / Estaremos Juntos (We'll Be Together) / Un Chico Como Yo, Una Chica Como Tu (Aboy Like Me, A Girl Like You)
1963 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20713 (S) Blue Hawaii - Vol. 1 - Slicin' Sand / Canción De Casamiento Hawaiiano (Hawaiian Wedding Song) / Isla Del Amor (Island Of Love) / Ku-U-I-Po
1963 SP RCA VICTOR 47-1116 (DK) In My Fathers House / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
1963 EP RCA 20277 (AUS) Elvis Sings... Kiss Me, Quick - Kiss Me, Quick / Suspicion / Sentimental Me / I Want You With Me
1963 EP RCA VICTOR RPX1120 (NZ) Elvis Sings - Vol. 1 - Blue Hawaii / No More / Moonlight Swim / Hawaiian Wedding Song
1963 EP RCA VICTOR RPX1121 (NZ) Elvis Sings - Vol. 2 - Girls, Girls, Girls / I Don't Wanna Be Tied / Beyond The Bend / Happy Ending
01/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9508 (GER) Mexico / You Can't Say No In Acapulco
01/1964 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 9106 (GER) Fun In Acapulco - Fun In Acapulco / (There's) No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car / I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here / Mexico
1964 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20739 (S) Fun In Acapulco - Vino, Dinero Y Amor / Guadalajara / Bossa Nova, Baby / Margarita (Marguerita)
02/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8307 (US)
Kissin' Cousins / It Hurts Me
1964 SP RCA VICTOR 45N 1410 (I) Kissin' Cousins (Dal Film Omonimo) / It Hurts Me
02/1964 SP VICTOR SS-1108 (JAP) Mexico / You Can't Say No In Acapulco
02/1964 SP VICTOR SS-1413 (JAP) Fun In Acapulco / Marguerita
02/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8340 (GER) Viva Las Vegas / What'd I Say
1964 SP RCA 47-8340 (AUS) Viva Las Vegas / What'd I Say
1964 SP RCA 47-8340 (NZ) Viva Las Vegas / What'd I Say
03/1964 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0639 (US) Kiss Me Quick / Suspicion
03/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 45.561 (F) Viva Las Vegas / What'd I Say
03/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9533 (GER) It Hurts Me / Suspicion
04/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 45.562 (F) Suspicion / Kiss Me Quick
04/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8360 (US) What'd I Say / Viva Las Vegas
1964 SP VICTOR SS-1427 (JAP) Viva Las Vegas / What'd I Say
05/1964 EP RCA VICTOR 86.372 M (US) LOVE IN LAS VEGAS - If You Think I Don't Need You / I Need Somebody To Lean On / C'mon Everybody  / Today, Tomorrow And Forever
05/1964 EP RCA VICTOR RCX 7142 (UK) Elvis For You Vol. 1 - Rip It Up / Love Me / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again / Paralyzed
05/1964 EP RCA VICTOR RCX 7143 (UK) Elvis For You Vol. 2 - Long Tall Sally / First In Line / How Do You Think I Feel / How's The World Treating You
05/1964 EP 33 t. VICTOR CP-1131 (JAP) Love In Las Vegas - If You Think I Don't Need You / I Need Somebody To Lean On / C'Mon Everybody / Today, Tomorrow And Forever
05/1964 SP VICTOR SS-1438 (JAP) Kiss Me Quick / Suspicion
06/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 45.563 (F) Kissin' Cousins / It Hurts Me
07/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8400 (US) Such A Night / Never Ending
1964 SP RCA 47-8400 (AUS) Never Ending / Such A Night
07/1964 EP RCA VICTOR 86.393 (F) Kissin' Cousins - Kissin' Cousins / Smokey Mountain Boy / There's Gold In The Mountains / Catchin' On Fast
07/1964 SP VICTOR SS-1454 (JAP) Kissin' Cousins / It Hurts Me
08/1964 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0641 (US) . (You're The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around
08/1964 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0642 (US) . Bossa Nova Baby / Witchcraft
08/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 45.566 (F) Such A Night / Never Ending
08/1964 SP VICTOR SS-1461 (JAP) Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
09/1964 EP 33 t. VICTOR SCP-1108 (JAP) Trouble - Trouble / Young Dreams / Crawfish / Dixieland Rock
10/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8440 (US)
Ain't That Loving You Baby / Ask Me
1964 SP RCA 47-8440 (AUS) Ain't That Loving You Baby / Ask Me
10/1964 EP 33 t. VICTOR SCP-1133 (JAP) Long Tall Sally - Long Tall Sally / First In Line / How's The World Treating You / How Do You Think I Feel
10/1964 SP RCA VICTOR 45.567 (F) Ain't That Loving You Baby / Ask Me
10/1964 SP VICTOR SS-1485 (JAP) Such A Night / Never Ending
1964 SP VICTOR SS-1497 (JAP) Ain't That Loving You Baby / Ask Me
11/1964 EP RCA VICTOR 86.411 M (F) Ain't That Loving You Baby / It Hurts Me / What 'd I Say / Slowly But Surely
11/1964 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0720 (US) Blue Christmas / Wooden Heart
11/1964 SP RCA VICTOR SP-45-139 (US) (promo) . Roustabout / One Track Heart
1964 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20820 (S) ELVIS PRESLEY Canta - What'd I Say / Viva Las Vegas / Bésame Pronto (Kiss Me Quick) / Sospecha (Suspición)
1964 SP RCA 101551 (AUS) Fun In Acapulco / I Think I Am Gonna Like It Here
1964 EP RCA 20315 (AUS) Stuck On You - Stuck On You / A Big Hunk O' Love / The Girl Of My Best Friend / Surrender
02/1965 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8500 (US)
Do The Clam / You'll Be Gone
1965 SP RCA 47 8500 (AUS) Do The Clam / You'll Be Gone
03/1965 SP VICTOR SS-1534 (JAP) Do The Clam / You'll Be Gone
04/1965 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0643 (US)
Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
04/1965 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0644 (US) . Kissin' Cousins / It Hurts Me
04/1965 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0646 (US) . Viva Las Vegas / What'd I Say
05/1965 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8585 (US) Esay Question / It Feels So Right
05/1965 EP RCA VICTOR 86.434 (F) GIRL HAPPY - Do The Clam / Cross My Heart And Hope To Die / Girl Happy / The Meanest Girl In Town
1965 EP RCA VICTOR EPAG 6015 (GRE) GIRL HAPPY - Do The Clam / Cross My Heart And Hope To Die / Girl Happy / The Meanest Girl In Town
06/1965 EP RCA VICTOR 86.458 M (US) TICKLE ME - I Feel That I've Known You Forever / Slowly But Surely / Night Rider / Put The Blame On Me / Dirty, Dirty Feeling
07/1965 EP RCA VICTOR RCX 7173 (UK) Tickle Me - I Feel That I've Known You Forever / Night Rider / Slowly But Surely / Dirty, Dirty Feeling / Put The Blame On Me
08/1965 EP RCA VICTOR RCX 7174 (UK) Tickle Me Vol. 2 - It Feels So Right / (Such An) Easy Question / (It's A) Long Lonely Highway / I'm Yours
08/1965 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8657 (US)
I'm Yours / Long Lonely Highway
08/1965 SP VICTOR SS-1557 (JAP) Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
09/1965 SP RCA VICTOR 45N 1456 (I) Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
10/1965 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0647 (US) Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town
10/1965 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0650 (US) Puppet On A String / Wooden Heart
10/1965 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9674 (GER) Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town
11/1965 EP 33 t. VICTOR SCP-1205 (JAP) Elvis' Chrismas Album - Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / White Christmas / Silent Night / Santa Bring My Baby Back / Blue Christmas / Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem
12/1965 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8740 (US) Tell Me why / Blue River
1965 SP RCA VICTOR 45.573 (F) . Do The Clam / You'll Be Gone
1965 SP RCA VICTOR 45.580 (F) I Believe In The Man In The Sky / Crying In The Chapel
1965 SP RCA VICTOR 45.584 (F) . (Such An) Easy Question / It Feels So Right
1965 SP RCA VICTOR 45.591 (F) . I’m Yours / It’s A Long Lonely Highway
1965 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20919 (S) Crying In The Chapel - Crying In The Chapel / In My Father's House / Joshua Fit The Battle / Swing Down Sweet Chariot
1965 SP RCA 101655 (AUS) ELVIS SINGS - My Baby Left Me / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
1965 SP RCA 101658 (AUS) ELVIS SINGS - A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True
1965 SP RCA 101660 (AUS) ELVIS SINGS - A Mess Of Blues / The Girl Of My Best Friend
1965 SP RCA 101661 (AUS) ELVIS SINGS - Surrender / Lonely Man
1965 SP RCA 101662 (AUS) ELVIS SINGS - Wild In The Country / I Feel So Bad
1965 SP RCA 101663 (AUS) ELVIS SINGS - Don't / I Beg Of You
01/1966 SP VICTOR SS-1639 (JAP) Puppet On A String / Wooden Heart
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8698 (GER) Tell Me Why / Puppet On A String
02/1966 EP 33 t. VICTOR SCP-1241 (JAP) Jailhouse Rock - Jailhouse Rock / Young And Beautiful / I Want To Be Free / Don't Leave Me Now / (You're So Square) Baby I Don't Care
02/1966 EP 33 t. VICTOR SCP-1243 (JAP) Hard Headed Woman - Hard Headed Woman / Good Rockin' Tonight / Don't / I Beg Of You
02/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8780 (US) Frankie And Johnny / Please Don't Stop Loving Me
03/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8780 (CAN) Frankie And Johnny / Please Don't Stop Loving Me
03/1966 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0651 (US) Joshua Fit The Battle / Known Only To Him
03/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-0651 (GER) Joshua Fit The Battle / Known Only To Him
03/1966 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0652 (US) Milky White Way / Swing Down Sweet Chariot
05/1966 EP RCA VICTOR 86.508 (F) Blue River / Memphis Tennessee / Puppet On A String / Tell Me Why
06/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8870 (US) Love Letters / Come That Way
06/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 49.501 (F) Love Letters / Come What May
07/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8870 (CAN) Love Letters / Come That Way
1966 SP VICTOR SS-1693 (JAP) Love Letters / Come That Way
09/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8941 (US) Spinout / All That I Am
11/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8950 (US) If Everyday Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
11/1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8950 (GER) If Everyday Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
11/1966 SP RCA 47-8950 (AUS) If Everyday Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
11/1966 EP RCA VICTOR 86535 (F) Peace In The Valley / It Is No Secret / I Believe / Take My Hand Precious Lord
11/1966 EP RCA VICTOR 86.538 (F) Spinout / All That I Am / Smorgarsbord / I'll Be Back
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 4-834-115 (US) (promo) . I'll Be Back
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 45.595 (F) Puppet On A String / Tell Me Why
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 45.601 (F) . Blue River / You’ll Be Gone
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 45.604 (F) . Frankie And Johnny / Please Don't Stop Loving Me
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 45.606 (F) . Love Letters / Come What May
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10181 (S) Love Letters / Come What May
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 45.607 (F) Spinout / All That I Am
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10196 (S) Spinout / All That I Am
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 45.611 (F) . If Every Day Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 49.505 (F) . If Every Day Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9143 (GER) Santa Bring My Baby Back / Santa Claus Is Back In Town
1966 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9686 (GER) Blue River / You´ll Be Gone
1966 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-830 (SWE) Shake, Rattle And Roll / I Love You Because / Blue Moon / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy
1966 EP RCA VICTOR 3-20958 (S) I'm Yours (Soy Tuyo) / Tell Me Why (Dí Por Qué) / (Such An) Easy Question (Que Pregunta Más Fácil) / Puppet On A String (Marioneta)
1966 EP RCA VICTOR TP-262 (POR) Frankie And Johnny / Tell Me Why / Please Don't Stop Loving Me / Puppet On A String
01/1967 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9056 (US) Indescribably Blue / Fools Fall In Love
01/1967 SP RCA VICTOR 49 506 (F) Fools Fall In Love / Indescribably Blue
03/1967 EP RCA VICTOR 86.557 (F) Paradise, Hawaiian Style - Scratch My Back / A Dog's Life / Stop Where You Are / House Of Sand
03/1967 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4387 (US) Easy Come, Easy Go - Easy Come, Easy Go / The Love Machine / Yoga Is As Yoga Does / You Gotta Stop / Sing You Children / I'll Take Love
03/1967 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4387 (CAN) Easy Come, Easy Go - Easy Come, Easy Go / Love Machine / Yoga Is As Yoga Does / You Gotta Stop / Sing You Children / I'll Take Love
04/1967 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9115 (US) Long Legged Girl (With The Short Dress On) / That's Someone You Never Forget
04/1967 SP RCA VICTOR SP-45-162 (US) (special edition) Air-Play Special - How Great Thou Art / So High
04/1967 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9056 (CAN) Indescribably Blue / Fools Fall In Love
1967 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10214 (S) Indescribably Blue / Fools Fall In Love
07/1967 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9287 (US) There's Always Me / Judy
07/1967 EP RCA VICTOR 86.574 (F) Double Trouble / I Love Only One Girl / Long Legged Girl / That's Someone You Never Forget
09/1967 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9341 (US) Big Boss Man / You Don't Know Me
10/1967 SP RCA VICTOR 49.518 (F) Big Boss Man / You Don't Know Me
10/1967 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-4386 (mono) / EPAS-4386 (stereo) (NZ) See The U.S.A. The Elvis Way - Memphis, Tennessee / Blue Moon Of Kentucky / New Orleans / Viva Las Vegas
11/1967 EP RCA VICTOR 86.296 (F) Loving You / Party / Teddy Bear / True Love
1967 SP RCA 20406 (AUS) His Hand In Mine - His Hand In Mine / The Mansion Over The Hill Top / Working On The Building / I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs
1967 SP RCA 20407 (AUS) ELVIS SINGS Little Egypt - Little Egypt / Poison Ivy League / Hawaiian Wedding Song / Down By The Riverside - When The Saints Go Marching In
1967 SP RCA 20408 (AUS) Elvis sings Your Cheatin' Heart - Your Cheatin' Heart / Cross My Heart And Hope To Die / You're A Heartbreaker / One Broken Heart For Sale
1967 SP RCA 20409 (AUS) Elvis sings Scratch My Back - Scratch My Back And I'll Scratch Yours / House Of Sand / Drums Of The Islands / Stop Where You Are
1967 SP RCA 20439 (AUS) California Holiday - ELVIS SINGS - Spinout / Stop, Look And Listen / Never Say Yes / Smorgasbord
1967 SP RCA 20440 (AUS) Elvis sings How Great Thou Art - How Great Thou Art / Somebody Bigger Than You And I / So High / By And By
1967 SP RCA 20441 (AUS) Elvis sings Blue Hawaii - Blue Hawaii / Moonlight Swim / Aloha-Oe / Slicin' Sand
11/1967 SP RCA 20442 (AUS) Wooden Heart - Wooden Heart / Frankfort Special / Judy / I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell
1967 SP RCA VICTOR 45.613 (F) . Fools Fall In Love / Indescribably Blue
1967 SP RCA VICTOR 45.616 (F) Long Legged Girl (With The Short Dress On) / That's Someone You Never Forget
1967 SP RCA VICTOR 45.619 (F) . There's Always Me / Judy
1967 SP RCA VICTOR 45.621 (F) . Big Boss Man / You Don't Know Me
1967 SP RCA VICTOR 49.516 (F) There's Always Me / Judy
1967 EP RCA VICTOR EPA 4041 (CAN) Just For You - I Need You So / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You / Blueberry Hill / Is It So Strange
1967 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9340 (GER) Muss I Denn, Muss I Denn / G'schichten Aus Dem Wiener Wald
1967 SP RCA EPA-4340 (AUS) Christmas With Elvis - White Christmas / Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night
1967 SP RCA EPA-5101 (AUS) A Touch Of Gold Volume 2 - Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Treat Me Nice / One Night / That's All Right
1967 SP RCA EPA-5141 (AUS) A Touch Of Gold Volume 3 - All Shook Up / Don't Ask Me Why / Too Much / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
1967 SP RCA VICTOR RPX-1145 (NZ) Paradise, Hawaiian Style - Paradise - Hawaiian Style / This Is My Heaven / Drums Of The Islands / Stop Where You Are
01/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9425 (US) Guitar Man / Hi-Heel Sneakers
01/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 49 536 (F) Guitar Man / Hi Heel Sneakers
01/1968 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0656 (US) . Frankie And Johnny / Please Don't Stop Loving Me
02/1968 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0657 (US) . Love Letters / Come What May
02/1968 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0658 (US) . All That I Am / Spinout
02/1968 EP RCA VICTOR RPX-1146 (NZ) His Hand In Mine by Elvis - His Hand In Mine / I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs / Joshua Fit The Battle / Swing Down Sweet Chariot
02/1968 EP RCA VICTOR RPX-1147 (NZ) How Great Thou Art - How Great Thou Art / In The Garden / Stand By Me / Crying In The Chapel
03/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9465 (US) Stay Away / US Male
03/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 49 543 (F) Stay Away / U.S. Male
03/1968 EP RCA VICTOR RPX-1148 (NZ) ELVIS FOR EVERYBODY - VOL. 1 - Sentimental Me / Fever / Playing For Keeps / A Mess Of The Blues
03/1968 EP RCA VICTOR RPX-1149 (NZ) ELVIS FOR EVERYBODY - VOL. 2 - Little Egypt / Tell Me Why / Suspicion / Puppet On A String
03/1968 EP RCA VICTOR RPX-1150 (NZ) ELVIS FOR EVERYBODY - VOL. 3 - It's Now Or Never / Are You Lonesome Tonight / Good Luck Charm / Devil In Disguise
03/1968 EP RCA VICTOR RPX-1151 (NZ) ELVIS FOR EVERYBODY - VOL. 4 - Wooden Heart / Kiss Me Quick / Return To Sender / Love Letters
04/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9547(US) Your Time Hasn't Come Yet / Let Yourself Go
06/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9600 (US) We Call On Him / You'll Never Walk Alone
06/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 49 548 (F) We Call On Him / You'll Never Walk Alone
06/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 49 555 (F) . Let Yourself Go / Your Time Hasn't Come Yet Baby
07/1968 EP RCA VICTOR 86299 (F) Don't / I Beg Of You / Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
09/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9610 (US) Almost In Love / A Little Less Conversation
11/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9670 (US) If I Can Dream / Edge Of Reality
11/1968 SP RCA VICTOR 49 569 (F) Almost In Love / A Little Less Conversation
1968 SP RCA VICTOR 45.626 (F) . Guitar Man / Hi Heel Sneakers
1968 SP RCA VICTOR 45.627 (F) . Stay Away / U.S. Male
1968 SP RCA VICTOR 45.628 (F) . We Call On Him / You'll Never Walk Alone
1968 SP RCA VICTOR 45.629 (F) . Let Yourself Go / Your Time Hasn't Come Yet Baby
1968 SP RCA VICTOR 45.634 (F) . Almost In Love / A Little Less Conversation
1968 SP RCA VICTOR 49 574 (F) Edge Of Reality / If I Can Dream
1968 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10321 (S) La Larguirucha Sally (Long Tall Sally) / Primero En La Linea (First In Line)
02/1969 EP RCA 20496 (AUS) Tell Me Why - Tell Me Why / Puppet On A String / I'm Yours / (It's A) Long Lonely Highway
03/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9731 (US) Memories / Charro
03/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0130 (US) His Hand In Mine / How Great Thou Art
04/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9741 (US) In The Ghetto / Any Day Now
04/1969 SP RCA 20501 (AUS) Love Letters From Elvis - Love Letters / Come What May / Spinout / All That I Am
04/1969 SP RCA 20527 (AUS) Teddy Bear - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / (Such An) Easy Question / I Gotta Know / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
05/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 47-15119 (GER) Memories / Charro
06/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9747 (US) Clean Up Your Own Back Yard / The Fair Is Moving On
07/1969 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0662 (US) . You Don't Know Me / Big Boss Man
07/1969 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0663 (US) . Guitar Man / Hi-Heel Sneakers
1969 SP RCA VICTOR 49 603 (F) Charro / Memories
08/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9764 (US) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
09/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 49 606 (F)

Elvis Sings - In The Ghetto / Any Day Now

10/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 49 623 (F) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
10/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9764 (F) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
1969 SP RCA VICTOR N 1588 (I) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
10/1969 EP RCA VICTOR 86 292 (F) I Got A Woman / I'm Counting On You / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I Love You Because
10/1969 EP RCA VICTOR 86 296 (F) Loving You / Party / Teddy Bear / True Love
10/1969 EP RCA VICTOR 86 301 (F) Trouble / Young Dreams / Crawfish / Dixieland Rock
11/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9768 (US) Don't Cry Daddy / Rubberneckin'
11/1969 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 1900 (UK) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
11/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9764 (NZ) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
12/1969 SP RCA SS-1913 (JAP) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
12/1969 SP RCA VICTOR 49 633 (F) Don't Cry Daddy / Rubberneckin´
1969 EP RCA VICTOR TP-510 (POR) Suspicious Minds - Suspicious Minds / Known Only To Him / You'll Think Of Me / Joshua Fit The Battle
01/1970 EP RCA VICTOR MKE-1231 (MEX) Mentes Suspicaces (Suspicious Minds) / Codeandose (Rubberneckin') / No Llores Papacito (Don't Cry Daddy) / Tu Pensaras En Mi (You'll Think Of Me)
01/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9768 (AUS) Don't Cry Daddy / Rubberneckin'
01/1970 EP RCA VICTOR 20528 (AUS) Lonely Man - Lonely Man / I Got Stung / Doncha Think It's Time / They Remind Me To Much Of You
02/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9791 (US) Kentucky Rain / My Little Friend
02/1970 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 1916 (UK) Don't Cry Daddy / Rubberneckin'
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 74-16020 (NL) Don't Cry Daddy / Rubberneckin'
03/1970 EP RCA VICTOR 86 298 (F) Jailhouse Rock / Young And Beautiful / I Want To Be Free / Don't Leave Me Now / Baby I Don't Care
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 49 646 (F) Kentucky Rain / My Little Friend
05/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9835 (US) Mama Liked The Roses / The Wonder Of You
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9835 (IND) The Wonder Of You / Mama Liked The Roses
05/1970 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 1949 (UK) Kentucky Rain / My Little Friend
06/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 49.661 (F) It's Now Or Never (O Sole Mio) / Heartbreak Hotel
06/1970 EP RCA VICTOR 75 320 (F) Shake Rattle And Roll / Blue Suede Shoes / Blue Moon / Tutti Frutti
06/1970 SP RCA SS-1951 (JAP) Can't Help Falling In Love / Rock-A-Hula Baby
07/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9873 (US) I've Lost You / The Next Step Is Love
08/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9873 (AUS) I've Lost You / The Next Step Is Love
09/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 49.679 (F) I've Lost You / The Next Step Is Love
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9873 (GER) I've Lost You / The Next Step Is Love
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9873 (ISR) I've Lost You / The Next Step Is Love
09/1970 EP RCA VICTOR 86 290 (F) Don't Be Cruel / Hound Dog / My Baby Left Me / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
09/1970 EP RCA VICTOR 86 300 (F) KING CREOLE N°1 - King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
10/1970 EP RCA VICTOR 86 301 (F) KING CREOLE N°2 - Trouble / Young Dreams / Crawfish / Dixieland Rock
10/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9916 (US) You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up
11/1970 SP RCA SS-1982 (JAP) You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9916 (ISR) You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up
11/1970 SP RCA VICTOR N 1623 (I) Jailhouse Rock / Love Me Tender
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9916 (GER) Patch It Up / You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
11/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 49.695 (F) Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
12/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9960 (US) I Really Don't Want To Know / There Goes My Everything
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9960 (GER) I Really Don't Want To Know / There Goes My Everything
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9960 (AUS) I Really Don't Want To Know / There Goes My Everything
1970 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9960 (ISR) There Goes My Everything / I Really Don't Want To Know
12/1970 SP RCA VICTOR 49.703 (F) You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up
1970 ? EP TOP 4 EX-4332 (IRAN)

Elvis Presley : Suspicious Minds / Don't Cry Daddy / Tony Joe White : Who's Making Love / Whompt Out On You

1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0664 (US) . U.S. Male / Stay Away
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0665 (US) . You'll Never Walk Alone / We Call On Him
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0666 (US) . Let Yourself Go / Your Time Hasn't Come Yet, Baby
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0667 (US) . Almost In Love / A Little Less Conversation
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0668 (US) . If I Can Dream / Edge Of Reality
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0669 (US) . Memories / Charro
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0670 (US) . His Hand In Mine / How Great Thou Art
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0671 (US) . In The Ghetto / Any Day Now
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0673 (US) . Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
1970 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0674 (US) . Don't Cry Daddy / Rubberneckin'
1970 EP RCA SRA-89 (JAP) Jailhouse Rock / Don't Be Cruel / Hound Dog / Heartbreak Hotel / Love Me Tender
1970 EP 33 t. RCA SRA-91 (JAP) Can't Help Falling In Love (From The Film Blue Hawaii) / Are You Lonesome Tonight / G I Blues (From The Film G I Blues) / I'm All Shook Up / I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
02/1971 SP RCA 47-9980 (US) Where Did They Go Lord / Rags To Riches
03/1971 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 2060 (UK) There Goes My Everything / I Really Don't Want To Know
04/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9985 (US) Life / Only Believe
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 45.648 (F)
Life / Only Believe
04/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.717 (F) I Really Don't Want To Know / There Goes My Everything
1971 SP RCA VICTOR SS-1991/92 (JAP)

知りたくないの (I Really Don't Want To Know) (Elvis PRESLEY) / 愛の経験 (Aime Moi) (Sylvie VARTAN)

05/1971 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 2084 (UK) Rags To Riches / Where Did They Go, Lord
05/1971 EP RCA VICTOR DP 1 (I) Elvis Presley Show - The Next Step Is Love / I Just Can't Help Believing / You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' / Love Me Tender / Heartbreak Hotel / Suspicious Minds
06/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9998 (US) I'm Leavin' / Heart Of Rome
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9998 (ISR) I'm Leavin' / Heart Of Rome
06/1971 SP RCA SS-2087 (JAP) Where Did They Go, Lord / Rags To Riches
08/1971 SP RCA SS-2097 (JAP) Life / Only Believe
09/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.779 (F) One Night / I Got Stung
09/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.782 (F) Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel (To A Heart's That True)
09/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.802 (F) . His Latest Flame / Little Sister
09/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.807 (F) Ain't That Loving You Baby / Ask Me
09/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.815 (F) Santa Claus Is Back In Town / Blue Christmas
10/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 48-1017 (US) It's Only Love / The Sound Of Your Cry
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 48-1017 (ISR) It's Only Love / The Sound Of Your Cry
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 48-1017 (ISR) It's Only Love / The Sound Of Your Cry
10/1971 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0675 (US) . Kentucky Rain / My Little Friend
10/1971 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0676 (US) . The Wonder Of You / Mama Liked The Roses
10/1971 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0678 (US) . You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up
10/1971 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0679 (US) . There Goes My Everything / I Really Don't Want To Know
10/1971 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0680 (US) . Rags To Riches / Where Did They Go, Lord
10/1971 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0681 (US) . If Every Day Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
11/1971 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0572 (US) Merry Christmas Baby / O Come All Ye Faithful
11/1971 SP RCA SS-2130 (JAP) Polk Salad Annie / I Just Can't Help Believin'
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49 733 (F) Where Did They Go, Lord / Rags To Riches
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.769 (F) King Creole / Crawfish
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.770 (F) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.774 (F) Loving You / (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.792 (F) Surrender / Lonely Man
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.794 (F) . It's Now Or Never / A Mess Of Blues
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.796 (F) I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) / I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin')
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 49.806 (F) (You're The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 74-16 126 (GER) I Just Can't Help Believin' / How The Web Was Woven
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 74-16 126 (NL) I Just Can't Help Believin' / How The Web Was Woven
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10582 (S) You Don't Have To Say You Love Me (Io Che Non Vivo Senza Te) / Patch It Up
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10611 (S) I Really Don't Want To Know / There Goes My Everything
1971 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10640 (S) Only Believe (Sólo Creer) / Life (Vida)
01/1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0619 (US) Until It's Time For You To Go / We Can Make The Morning
1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0619 (ISR) We Can Make The Morning / Until It's Time For You To Go
01/1972 EP 33 t. RCA SRA-95 (JAP) Elvis On Stage - You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Sweet Caroline / I Just Can't Help Believin' / You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' / Polk Salad Annie
02/1972 SP RCA SS-2156 (JAP) Until It's Time For You To Go / We Can Make The Morning
03/1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0651 (US) He Touched Me / Bosom Of Abraham
03/1972 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0684 (US) . It's Only Love / The Sound Of Your Cry
03/1972 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 2188 (UK) Until It's Time For You To Go / We Can Make The Morning
04/1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0672 (US) An American Trilogy / The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
1972 SP RCA SS-2181 (JAP) An American Trilogy / The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
05/1972 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0683 (US) . I'm Leavin' / Heart Of Rome
08/1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0769 (US) Burning Love / It's A Matter Of Time
1972 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10789 (S) Burning Love (Ardiente De Amor) / It's A Matter Of Time (Es Cuestión De Tiempo)
1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0769 (ISR) Burning Love / It's A Matter Of Time
10/1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0769 (NL) Burning Love / It's A Matter Of Time
10/1972 SP RCA SS-2213 (JAP) Burning Love / It's A Matter Of Time
11/1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0815 (US) Separate Ways / Always On My Mind
1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-0815 (ISR) Always On My Mind / Separate Ways
11/1972 SP RCA VICTOR Gold Standard 447-0681 (US) . If Every Day Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
1972 SP RCA VICTOR Golden Greats 447-0647 (CAN) Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town
1972 SP RCA VICTOR 41.088 (F) Polk Salad Annie / C.C. Rider
1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-16 177 (GER) Polk Salad Annie / C. C. Rider
1972 SP RCA VICTOR 47-6604 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
1972 SP RCA VICTOR 74-16 194 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - It's Now Or Never (O Sole Mio) / Are You Lonesome To-Night?
03/1973 SP RCA 74-0910 (US) The Fool / Steamroller Blues
04/1973 SP RCA VICTOR 102266 (AUS) Steamroller Blues / You Gave Me A Mountain
09/1973 SP RCA APBO-0088 (US) Raised On Rock / For Ol' Times Sake
1973 SP RCA APBO-0088 (S) Raised On Rock (Criado Con Rock) / For Ol' Times Sake
12/1973 SP RCA SS-2331 (JAP) Raised On Rock / For Ol' Times Sake
1973 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0685 (US) . An American Trilogy / Until It's Time For You To Go
1973 SP RCA VICTOR 74-16 384 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Loving You
1973 SP RCA VICTOR 74-16 386 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
1973 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10860 (S) Separate Ways / Always On My Mind
1973 SP RCA VICTOR N-20114 (POR) Fool / Steamroller Blues
01/1974 SP RCA APBO-0196 (US) Take Good Care Of Her / I've Got A Thing About You Baby
1974 SP RCA VICTOR APBO-0196 (GER) Take Good Care Of Her / I've Got A Thing About You Baby
03/1974 SP RCA VICTOR 102412 (AUS) Take Good Care Of Her / I've Got A Thing About You Baby
1974 SP RCA VICTOR APBO-0196 (ISR) Take Good Care Of Her / I've Got A Thing About You Baby
05/1974 SP RCA APBO-0280 (US) Help Me / If You Talk In Your Sleep
1974 SP RCA VICTOR APBO-0280 (GER) Help Me / If You Talk In Your Sleep
10/1974 SP RCA PB-10074 (US) It's Midnight / Promised Land
1974 SP RCA VICTOR PB 10074 (B) Promised Land / It's Midnight
11/1974 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 2458 (NL) My Boy / Lovin' Arms
1974 SP RCA VICTOR 2458 (B) My Boy / Lovin' Arms
1974 SP RCA VICTOR PB 37026 (F) My Boy (Parce Que Je T'Aime Mon Enfant) / Loving Arms
1974 SP RCA VICTOR 949 779 (B) One Night / I Got Stung
1974 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 49770 (NL) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
1974 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 49782 (NL) Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel (To A Heart That's True)
1974 SP RCA VICTOR 26.11 223 (GER) Promised Land / It's Midnight
1974 SP RCA VICTOR 26.11076 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Loving You
1974 SP RCA VICTOR 26.11077 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
1974 SP RCA VICTOR 47-9741 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - In The Ghetto / Any Day Now
1974 SP RCA VICTOR PPBO-7006 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - Suspicious Minds / That's All Right
1974 EP RCA VICTOR MKE 248 (MEX) King Creole Vol.1 (Rey Criollo) - King Creole / New Orleans / As Long As I Have You / Lover Doll
1974 SP RCA VICTOR SP-4027 (MEX) Hound Dog (Perro Callejero) / Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be) (De Cualquier Manera, Quiéreme)
01/1975 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-10156 (US) . Burning Love / Streamroller Blues
01/1975 SP RCA JH-10191 (US) (promo) . My Boy [mono] / My Boy [stereo]
01/1975 SP RCA PB-10191 (US) My Boy / Thinking About You
1975 SP RCA VICTOR PB-10 191 (GER) My Boy / Thinking About You
1975 SP RCA VICTOR PB.10191 (S) My Boy (Mi Chico) / Thinking About You (Pensando En Ti)
03/1975 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-10157 (US) . Raised On Rock / If You Talk In Your Sleep
04/1975 SP RCA JH-10278 (US) (promo) . T-R-O-U-B-L-E (mono) / T-R-O-U-B-L-E (stereo)
04/1975 SP RCA PB-10278 (US) T-R-O-U-B-L-E / Mr Songman
1975 SP RCA VICTOR PB-10278 (S) T-R-O-U-B-L-E / Mr Songman
04/1975 EP RCA VICTOR 20599 (AUS) Such A Night - Such A Night / Bossa Nova Baby / Puppet On A String / Hi-Heel Sneekers
04/1975 EP RCA VICTOR 20601 (AUS) Heartbreak Hotel - Burning Love / Heartbreak Hotel / Hound Dog / All Shook Up
04/1975 EP RCA VICTOR 20602 (AUS) It's Now Or Never - Separate Ways / Don't Be Cruel / I Need Your Love Tonight / It's Now Or Never
04/1975 EP RCA VICTOR 20603 (AUS) Are You Lonesome Tonight - Are You Lonesome Tonight? / Return To Sender / Edge Of Reality / In The Ghetto
05/1975 EP RCA VICTOR 20604 (AUS) Suspicious Minds - Suspicious Minds / You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / First Time Ever I Saw Your Face / Clean Up Your Own Back Yard
09/1975 SP RCA PB-10401 (US) Pieces Of My Life / Bringing It Back
1975 SP RCA VICTOR PPBO-4111 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - Heartbreak Hotel / I Got Stung
1975 SP RCA VICTOR PPBO-4112 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - Can't Help Falling In Love / Love Me Tender
1975 SP RCA VICTOR PPBO-4113 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - Crying In The Chapel / One Night
1975 EP RCA VICTOR 102.4015 (BRA) Blue Sued Shoes / Kiss Me Quick / Heartbreak Hotel / All Shook Up
1975 ? SP HILLBILLY CAT  92 (US) . Uncle John / Give Me More
1975 ? SP HILLBILLY CAT 93 (US) . My Happiness / Blue Guitar
1975 ? SP HILLBILLY CAT 95 (US) . Uncle Pen / Thunderbolt Boogie
02/1976 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-10485 (US) . Take Good Care Of Her / I've Got A Thing About You Baby
02/1976 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-10486 (US) . Always On My Mind / Separate Ways
02/1976 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-10487 (US) . T-R-O-U-B-L-E / Mr. Songman
02/1976 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-10488 (US) . It's Midnight / Promised Land
02/1976 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-10489 (US) . My Boy / Thinking About You
03/1976 SP RCA PB-10601 (US) For The Heart / Hurt
1976 SP RCA VICTOR PB-10 601 (GER) For The Heart / Hurt
12/1976 SP RCA PB-10857 (US) Moody Blue / She Thinks I Still Care
1976 SP RCA VICTOR YBPB 0-457 (B) Moody Blue / She Thinks I Still Care
1976 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0671 (US) . Don't / I Beg Of You
1976 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0675 (US) . Kentucky Rain / My Little Friend
1976 SP RCA Gold Standard 447-0680 (US) . Where Did They Go, Lord / Rags To Riches
1976 SP RCA 42547 (F) American Trilogy / The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face
1976 EP RCA VICTOR CF 513 (F) Chante Avec Elvis - White Christmas / Silent Night / Blue Christmas / I Believe
1976 SP RCA VICTOR PB 00 857 (GER) Moody Blue / She Thinks I Still Care
1976 SP RCA VICTOR PB 09 001 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - Wooden Heart / Kiss Me Quick
1976 SP RCA VICTOR PB 09 002 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - (You're The) Devil In Disguise / Suspicion
1976 SP RCA VICTOR PPBO-7028 (GER) Green Green Grass Of Home / Make The World Go Away
1976 SP RCA VICTOR PPBO-7047 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - Rock-A-Hula-Baby / Shake, Rattle And Roll
1976 SP RCA VICTOR PPBO-7048 (GER) Oldies but Goldies - Good Luck Charm / Surrender
1976 SP RCA VICTOR PPBO-7074 (GER) The Girl Of My Best Friend / A Mess Of Blues
1976 EP RCA VICTOR 102-4018 (BRA) It's Now Or Never / King Creole / Surrender (Torna A Sorriento) / Jailhouse Rock
1976 EP 33 t. RCA VICTOR 104.4024 (BRA) ELVIS - SEDAKA - ANKA - 6 Super Hits De 60 - Breakin Up Is Hard To Do (Neil SEDAKA) / Don`t Be Cruel (Elvis PRESLEY) / Puppy Love (Paul ANKA) / Stupid Cupid (Neil SEDAKA) / Tutti Frutti (Elvis PRESLEY) / Diana (Paul ANKA)
1976 ? SP HILLBILLY CAT 101 (US) . My Baby's Gone / That's Allright Mama
01/1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB-10857 (NL) Moody Blue / She Thinks I Still Care
04/1977 SP RCA JH-10951 (US) (promo) . Let Me Be There [mono] / Let Me Be There [stereo]
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2694 (CAN) All Shook Up / Heartbreak Hotel
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2695 (CAN) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2696 (CAN) One Night / I Got Stung
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2697 (CAN) (Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2698 (CAN) It's Now Or Never / Make Me Know It
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2699 (CAN) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
1977 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 2699 (GER) Are You Lonesome Tonight / I Gotta Know
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2700 (CAN) Wooden Heart / Tonight Is So Right For Love
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2701 (CAN) Surrender / Lonely Man
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2702 (CAN) (Marie's The Name Of) His Latest Flame / Little Sister
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2703 (CAN) Rock A Hula Baby / Can't Help Falling In Love
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2704 (CAN) Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2705 (CAN) She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2706 (CAN) Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From?
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2707 (CAN) (You're The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2708 (CAN) Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
05/1977 SP RCA RCA-2709 (CAN) The Wonder Of You / Mama Liked The Roses
06/1977 SP RCA PB-10998 (US) Way Down / Pledging My Love
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB-10998 (B) Way Down / Pledging My Love
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11099 (US) Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11100 (US) In The Ghetto / Any Day Now
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11101 (US) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11102 (US) Can't Help Falling In Love / Rock-A-Hula Baby
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11103 (US) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11104 (US) Are You Lonesome Tonight / I Gotta Know
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11105 (US) Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11106 (US) All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11107 (US) Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11108 (US) Love Me Tender / Any Way You Want Me (That's How I Will Be)
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11109 (US) (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Loving You
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11110 (US) It's Now Or Never / Mess Of Blues
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11111 (US) Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11112 (US) One Night / I Got Stung
08/1977 SP RCA PB-11113 (US) Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
09/1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB-0998 (NL) Way Down / Pledging My Love
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB 0998 (GER) Way Down / Pledging My Love
1977 SP RCA PB-0998 (S) Way Down (Allí Abajo) / Pledging My Love (Jurando Mi Amor)
09/1977 SP RCA VICTOR RCA 2700 (NL) Wooden Heart / Tonight Is So Right For Love
1977 SP RCA RCA-2700 (B) Wooden Heart / Tonight Is So Right For Love
10/1977 15 SP RCA PP-11301 (US) Collectors' Series :
DISC 1 : Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
DISC 2 : In The Ghetto / Any Day Now
DISC 3 : Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
DISC 4 : Can't Help Falling In Love / Rock A Hula Baby
DISC 5 : Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
DISC 6 : Are You Lonesome Tonight / I Gotta Know
DISC 7 : Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
DISC 8 : All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
DISC 9 : Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
DISC 10 : Love Me Tender / Any Way You Want Me (That's How I Will Be)
DISC 11 : (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Loving You
DISC 12 : It's Now Or Never / Mess Of Blues
DISC 13 : Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From
DISC 14 : One Night / I Got Stung
DISC 15 : Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB-0857 (S) Moody Blue / She Thinks I Still Care
1977 SP RCA SS-3064 (JAP) Moody Blue / She Thinks I Still Care
11/1977 SP RCA PB-11165 (US) My Way (live) / America (live)
12/1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB-1165 (NL) My Way / America The Beautiful
12/1977 SP RCA VICTOR 103024 (AUS) My Way / America The Beautiful
12/1977 SP RCA SS-3128 (JAP) My Way / America The Beautiful
1977 2 EP 33 t. Sun SUN LPM 500 (US) The Beginning :
DISC 1 : That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky / Good Rockin' Tonight / I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine / You're A Heartbreaker / Milkcow Blues Boogie / Trying To Get You / Blue Moon
DISC 2 : I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Mystery Train / Just Because / I Love You Because / Baby Let's Play House / I'm Left You're Right She's Gone / I'll Never Let You Go / I Love You Because (2nd version)
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB 1165 (GER) My Way / America The Beautiful
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB 1165 (POR) My Way / America
1977 SP RCA VICTOR 26.11026 (GER) Oldies But Goldies - It's Now Or Never (O Sole Mio) / Are You Lonesome To-Night?
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB 09 022 (GER) Oldies but Goldies - My Baby Left Me / Bossa Nova Baby
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9058 (I) Suspicion / It's A Long Lonely Highway
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB-9121 (S) Suspicion (Sospecha) / It's A Long Lonely Highway (Es Una Carretera Larga Y Solitaria)
1977 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9178 (B) Golden Series 21 - Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
1977 SP RCA SP-4847 (MEX) It's Now Or Never / A Mess Of Blues
04/1978 SP RCA PB-11212 (US) Unchained Melody (live) / Softly As I Leave You (live)
1978 SP RCA VICTOR PB 1212 (GER) Unchained Melody (live) / Softly As I Leave You (live)
1978 SP RCA VICTOR PB 1212 (NL) Unchained Melody / Softly, As I Leave You
06/1978 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9265 (UK) Don't Be Cruel (To A Heart That's True) / Hound Dog
08/1978 SP RCA PB-11320 (US) Puppett On A String / (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
08/1978 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-11326 (US) . Moody Blue / For The Heart
09/1978 EP RCA VICTOR 20628 (AUS) Christmas With Elvis - White Christmas / Here Comes Santa Claus / O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Silent Night
11/1978 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9334 (UK) Old Shep / Paralysed
1978 SP RCA RCA-2710 (CAN) Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
1978 SP RCA RCA-2711 (CAN) Blue Christmas / Santa Claus Is Back In Town
1978 SP RCA RCA-2712 (CAN) Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
1978 SP RCA RCA-2713 (CAN) Burning Love / Steamroller Blues
1978 SP RCA RCA-2714 (CAN) How Great Thou Art / Amazing Grace
1978 SP RCA RCA-2715 (CAN) Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
1978 SP RCA RCA-2716 (CAN) Danny Boy / The Last Farewell
1978 SP RCA RCA 50476 (CAN) Elvis A Canadian Tribute - Little Darlin' / I'm Movin' On
1978 Flexi Lyntone LYN 5123 (B) L'album-Souvenir D'une Super-Vedette Elvis Presley - Elvis Presley's Greatest Hits
1978 Flexi Lyntone LYN 5124 (B) Een Levende Herinnering Aan "The King Of Rock 'n Roll" Elvis Presley - Elvis Presley's Greatest Hits
1978 SP SUN 520 (?) (bootleg) . Tiger Man / Harbor Lights
02/1979 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-11504 (US) . My Way / Way Down
05/1979 SP RCA PB-11533 (US) Are You Sincere / Solitaire
08/1979 SP RCA PB-11679 (US) I Got Feelin' In My Body / There's A Honky Tonk Angel
1979 SP RCA RCA-2717 (CAN) Blue Hawaii / Hawaiian Weddding Song
1979 SP RCA RCA-2718 (CAN) Moody Blue / Way Down
1979 SP RCA RCA-2719 (CAN) You Gave Me A Mountain / The Impossible Dream (The Quest)
1979 SP RCA RCA-2720 (CAN) Love Me Tender / One Night
1979 EP MAXI 12" RCA VICTOR PC 8403 (US)

Jailhouse Rock / Young And Beautiful / I Want To Be Free / Don't Leave Me Now / (You're So Square) Baby I Don't Care

1979 SP RCA VICTOR PB 2702 (GER) Marie's The Name His Latest Flame / Little Sister
1979 SP RCA VICTOR PB-4112 (NL) Love Me Tender / Can't Help Falling In Love
1979 SP RCA VICTOR PB-9441 (NL) Hound Dog / Polk Salad Annie
1979 SP RCA VICTOR PB-1108 (S) Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be) (Quiereme Como Tu Quieras) / Love Me Tender (Quiereme Tiernamente)
1979 SP RCA VICTOR PB-1113 (S) Crying In The Chapel (Llorando En La Capilla) / I Believe In The Man In The Sky (Creo En El Hombre Del Cielo)
1979 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9426 (POR) Tutti Frutti / It's Now Or Never
05/1980 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-11988 (US) . Unchained Melody / Are You Sincere
08/1980 SP RCA RCA 4 (UK) It's Only Love / Beyond The Reef
11/1980 SP RCA RCA 16 (UK) Santa Claus Is Back In Town / I Believe
1980 SP RCA PB50600 (CAN) It's Only Love / Beyond The Reef
1980 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9517 (GER) No More (La Paloma) / Lover Doll
1980 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9630 (GER) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / Beyond The Reef
1980 SP RCA VICTOR OLD-25026 (NL) 2 Golden Oldies – 26 - My Boy / Loving Arms
01/1981 SP RCA JH-12158 (US) (promo) . Guitar Man [stereo] / Guitar Man [mono]
01/1981 SP RCA PB-12158 (US) Guitar Man / Faded Love
1981 SP RCA VICTOR PB 2158 (GER) Guitar Man / Faded Love
04/1981 SP RCA JB-12205 (US) (promo) . Loving Arms / You Asked Me To
04/1981 SP RCA PB-12205 (US) . Loving Arms / You Asked Me To
04/1981 SP RCA RCA 48 (UK) Loving Arms / You Ask Me To
07/1981 SP Golden Grooves GOLD 500 (UK) I Just Can't Help Believin' / Bridge Over Troubled Water
07/1981 SP Golden Grooves GOLD 506 (UK) An American Trilogy / Suspicious Minds
07/1981 SP Golden Grooves GOLD 510 (UK) The Girl Of My Best Friend / Suspicion
07/1981 SP RCA RPS-38 (JAP) Touched By Love - Love Me Tender / Any Way You Want Me (That's How I Will Be)
08/1981 SP Golden Grooves GOLD 520 (UK) That's All Right / Harbour Lights
08/1981 SP Golden Grooves GOLD 534 (UK) Good Rockin' Tonight / Mystery Train
11/1981 SP Golden Grooves GOLD 541 (UK) If Every Day Was Like Christmas / Blue Christmas
1981 SP RCA PB 8761 (F) This Is Elvis - Bande Originale Du Film - Always On My Mind / My Way
1981 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9661 (GER) Oldies but Goldies - Blue Moon Of Kentucky / Good Rockin' Tonight
1981 SP RCA VICTOR PB 9662 (GER) Oldies but Goldies - Hard Headed Woman / I Beg Of You
02/1982 SP RCA PB-13058 (US) There Goes My Everything / You'll Never Walk Alone
02/1982 EP RCA 45-RCX 1 (UK) Elvis Presley G. I. Blues The Alternate Takes EP - Shoppin' Around / Big Boots / Tonight's All Right For Love / Frankfort Special
02/1982 SP RCA RCA 196 (UK) Are You Lonesome Tonight / From A Jack To A King
06/1982 SP RCA RCA 232 (UK) The Sound Of Your Cry / I'll Never Know
06/1982 SP RCA RCAP 232 (UK) (picture disc)
The Sound Of Your Cry / I'll Never Know
08/1982 SP RCA PB-13302 (US) . An American Trilogy / Impossible Dream
09/1982 SP RCA VICTOR 104030 (AUS) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / Datin'
10/1982 EP RCA 45-RCX 2 (UK) GI Blues Outakes Vol II - What's She Really Like? / G. I. Blues / Doin' The Best I Can / Pocketful Of Rainbows
10/1982 EP RCA 45-RCX 3 (UK) Elvis Collectors Gold Unreleased Studio Rehearsal Versions - His Latest Flame / Good Luck Charm / Judy / Little Sister
11/1982 SP RCA JB-13351 (US) (promo) . The Elvis Medley [long version] / The Elvis Medley [short version]
11/1982 SP RCA PB-13351 (US) The Elvis Medley / Always On My Mind
1982 SP RCA Gold Standard GB-13275 (US) . Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
1982 EP RCA VICTOR 20649 (AUS) Conversations With Elvis - Witchita Falls Interview by Jay Thompson at the Municipal Auditorium. April 10, 1956 / Hy Gardner Television Interview from New York. July 1, 1956 / TV Guide Interview by Paul Wilder at Lakeland Florida. August 1956 / TV Guide Interview with Colonel Tom Parker by Paul Wilder at Lakeland Florida. August 1956 / Army Swearing in at Kennedy Veteran's Hospital Memphis. March 24, 1958 / Home from Germany Press Conference at Gracelands Memphis. March 1960 / Hawaii Award Presentation at Hawaiian Village Hotel Honolulu. March 25, 1961
1982 EP RCA VICTOR 20650 (AUS) The 1968 TV Special - Tiger Man / Trying To Get To You / It Hurts Me / Let Yourself Go
1982 EP RCA VICTOR 20651 (AUS) Elvis' Girls Vol.1 - Judy / (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame / Sylvia / Cindy Cindy / Marguerita
1982 EP RCA VICTOR 20652 (AUS) Stay Away Joe - Stay Away Joe / Goin' Home / All I Needed Was The Rain / Stay Away
1982 EP RCA VICTOR 20653 (AUS) Special Delivery From Elvis - Britches / A Cane And A High Starched Collar / Danny / Beyond The Reef
01/1983 SP RCA GB-13275 (US) . Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
01/1983 SP RCA RCAP 1028 (UK) (picture disc)
Jailhouse Rock / The Elvis Medley (unreleased)
04/1983 SP RCA JB-13500 (US) (promo) . I Was The One / Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
04/1983 SP RCA PB-13500 (US) I Was The One / Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
04/1983 SP RCA RCAP 332 (UK) (picture disc) Baby I Don't Care / One Sided Love Affair / Tutti Frutti
06/1983 SP RCA PB-13547 (US) Little Sister / Paralyzed
11/1983 SP RCA RCA 369 (UK) I Can Help / The Lady Loves Me (with Ann Margret)
1983 SP RCA VICTOR PB 60115 (GER) I Can Help / The Lady Loves Me (with Ann Margret)
1983 Flexi Buttons BUT 3 (UK) A.F.N. Radio Interview (1960) - AFN Radio Interview Part 1 / AFN Radio Interview Part 2
1983 Flexi Buttons BUT 5 (UK) . Interviews Between Elvis, Peter Noone (Herman) And Tom Moffatt - Elvis Interview with Peter Noone (Herman Of Herman's Hermits) / Peter Noone (Herman Of Herman's Hermits) Interview with Elvis
05/1984 SP RCA RCA 405 (UK) Green Green Grass Of Home / Release Me (And Let Me Love Again) / Solitaire
05/1984 SP RCA RPS-140(M) (JAP) Don't Be Cruel / Hound Dog
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13875 (US) Baby Let's Play House / Hound Dog
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13885 (US) . Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13886 (US) . Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel (To A Heart That's True)
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13887 (US) I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / Love Me
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13888 (US) . All Shook Up / (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13889 (US) It's Now Or Never / Surrender
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13890 (US) In The Ghetto / If I Can Dream
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13891 (US) That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13892 (US) Heartbreak Hotel / Jailhouse Rock
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13893 (US) Love Me Tender / Loving You
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13894 (US) (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame / Little Sister
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13895 (US) Are You Lonesome Tonight? / Can't Help Fallin' In Love
08/1984 SP RCA PB-13896 (US) Suspicious Minds / Burning Love
08/1984 EP RCA VICTOR 20665 (AUS) Change Of Habit - Rubberneckin' / Have A Happy / Change Of Habit / Let's Forget About The Stars / Let Us Pray
08/1984 EP RCA VICTOR 20666 (AUS) Love In Las Vegas, Vol.2 - Viva Las Vegas / What'd I Say? / Night Life / Do The Vega / Santa Lucia / Yellow Rose Of Texas - The Eyes Of Texas
08/1984 EP RCA VICTOR 20667 (AUS) Blue Elvis - A Mess Of Blues / I Want You With Me / Reconsider Baby / Like A Baby
08/1984 EP RCA VICTOR 20668 (AUS) Elvis' Girls, Volume 2 - Long Tall Sally / Sweet Angeline / Mary In The Morning / Susan When She Tried
08/1984 EP RCA VICTOR 20669 (AUS) From The Waist Up - Shake Rattle And Roll - Flip, Flop And Fly / Heartbreak Hotel / Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel (To A Heart That's True)
10/1984 SP RCA RCA 459 (UK) The Last Farewell / It's Easy For You
12/1984 SP RCA JK-13929 (US) (promo) . Blue Suede Shoes / Blue Suede Shoes
12/1984 SP RCA PB-13929 (US)
Blue Suede Shoes / Promised Land
DISC 1 : Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
DISC 2 : Don't Be Cruel / Hound Dog
DISC 3 : I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / Love Me
DISC 4 : All Shook Up / Teddy Bear
DISC 5 : It's Now Or Never / Surrender
DISC 6 : In The Ghetto / If I Can Dream
DISC 1 : That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
DISC 2 : Heartbreak Hotel / Jailhouse Rock
DISC 3 : Love Me Tender / Loving You
DISC 4 : Little Sister / His Latest Flame
DISC 5 : Are You Lonesome Tonight / Can't Help Falling In Love
DISC 6 : Suspicious Minds / Burning Love
1984 SP RCA VICTOR 3-10407 (S) In The Ghetto / Any Day Now (Cualquier Dia)
1984 EP RCA DP-05 (MEX) Blue Suede Shoes (Zapatos De Ante Azul) / Don't Be Cruel (No Seas Cruel) / King Creole (Rey Criollo) / All Shook Up (Estremécete)
01/1985 SP RCA RCA 476 (UK) The Elvis Medley / Blue Suede Shoes
01/1985 SP RCA RPS-159 (JAP) Blue Suede Shoes / Promised Land
07/1985 SP RCA PB-14090 (US) Always On My Mind / My Boy
07/1985 SP RCA PB 49943 (UK) Always On My Mind / Tomorrow Night
11/1985 SP RCA PB-14237 (US) Merry Christmas Baby / Santa Claus Is Back In Town
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 019 (DK) (picture disc)
Masters Of Rock & Roll - Jailhouse Rock / Lawdy, Miss Clawdy
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 031 (DK) (picture disc)
Masters Of Rock & Roll, Vol. II - Shake, Rattle And Roll / My Baby Left Me
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 037 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Ready Teddy / I Need You So
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 038 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Baby I Don't Care / I Got A Woman
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 039 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - King Creole / Dixieland Rock
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 040 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Treat Me Nice / I Got Stung
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 041 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Mean Woman Blues / I Beg Of You
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 042 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Long Tall Sally / Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 043 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Blueberry Hill / One Sided Love Affair
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 044 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Rip It Up / So Glad You're Mine
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 045 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - One Night / When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 046 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Got A Lot Of Livin' To Do / Party
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 047 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Trouble / Lonesome Cowboy
1985 ? Flexi NCB PR 048 (DK) (picture disc)
ELVIS THE KING - Hard Headed Woman / Hot Dog
10/1986 SP OLD GOLD OG 9616 (UK) In The Ghetto (Vicious Circle) / Suspicious Minds
10/1986 SP OLD GOLD OG 9624 (UK) American Trilogy / Until It's Time For You To Go
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4501 (US) . Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4503 (US) . I Got A Woman / I'm Counting On You
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4504 (US) . I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin') / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You)
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4505 (US) . Tryin' To Get To You / I Love You Because
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4506 (US) . Money Honey / One Sided Love Affair
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4507 (US) . Too Much / Playing For Keeps
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4509 (US) . Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4512 (US) . One Broken Heart For Sale / (You're The) Devil In Disguise
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4513 (US) . Bossa Nova Baby / Such A Night
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4514 (US) . Love Me / Flaming Star
1986 SP COLLECTABLES 4517 (US) . U.S. Male / Until It's Time For You To Go
1986 SP COLLECTABLES COL80010 (US) . Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
1986 SP COLLECTABLES COL80019 (US) . Loving You / (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
04/1987 SP RCA ARON 1 (UK) Ain't That Lovin' You Baby / Bossa Nova Baby
07/1987 SP RCA PB 49707 (F) Don't Be Cruel / In The Ghetto
07/1987 SP RCA VICTOR 104714 (AUS) Are You Lonesome Tonight [breakup version] / [Let Me Be Your] Teddy Bear
08/1987 SP RCA ARON 2 (UK) Love Me Tender / If I Can Dream
1987 SP COLLECTABLES 4564 (US) . The Elvis Medley / Always On My Mind
1987 SP 33 t. Creative Radio Shows L 23610 (US) (promo) . Memories Of Elvis / The Elvis Hour
1987 SP 33 t. Creative Radio Shows L 26705 (US) (promo) . Elvis 10th Anniversary / The Elvis Hour
1987 SP 33 t. Creative Radio Shows L 29580 (US) (promo) . Elvis The 50th Birthday Radio Special (Elvis PRESLEY) / The Day The Music Died Buddy Holly Radio Special (Buddy HOLLY)
1987 SP RCA PB49639 (NL) Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
1987 EP RCA PB 49651 (SP) (bootleg) Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time? / A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight
1987 EP RCA 20672 (AUS) Elvis Volume 1 - Edge Of Reality / Suspicious Minds / Easy Question / Judy
1987 SP RCA 104721 (NZ) Are You Lonesome Tonight (laughing version) / Are You Lonesome Tonight (original version)
1987 SP MAYBELLENE 56 (SWE) (picture disc) (bootleg) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
01/1988 SP OLD GOLD OG 9740 (UK) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
01/1988 SP OLD GOLD OG 9744 (UK) Always On My Mind / Burning Love
01/1988 SP OLD GOLD OG 9761 (UK) The Wonder Of You / If I Can Dream
01/1988 SP RCA PB 49595 (UK) Stuck On You / Anyway You Want Me
1988 SP RCA 8760-7-R (US) Heartbreak Hotel / Heartbreak Hotel (David KEITH & Charlie Schlatter with Zulu Time)
1988 SP Osborne Enterprises EM-1 / AM-2 (US) . The 1967 Elvis Medley (Elvis PRESLEY) / The #1 Hits Medley (1956-69) (various artists)
1988 EP AMIGA 5 56 190 (GDR) Weihnachten Mit Elvis - O Come, All Ye Faithful / Silver Bells / Silent Night / Peace In The Valley
01/1989 SP RCA PB 49473 (UK) Mean Woman Blues / I Beg Of You
1989 CD RCA 8990-2-RH (US) . Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
1989 SP RCA DB28663 (GER) KERA ROCK - Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel
1989 CD RCA 8991-2-RH (US) . Can't Help Falling In Love / Rock A Hula Baby
1989 CD RCA 8992-2-RH (US) . Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
1989 CD RCA 8993-2-RH (US) . Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
1989 CD RCA 8994-2-RH (US) . Are You Lonesome Tonight / I Gotta Know
1989 SP RCA PB43381 (NL) One Night With You / Guitar Man
1989 SP RCA PB49429 (GER) Oldies but Goldies - It's Now Or Never (O Sole Mio) / Are You Lonesome To-Night?
1989 SP RCA PB49433 (GER) Are You Lonesome Tonight? (lach version) / Beyond The Reef (lach version)
1989 SP Sun SUN NP 01 (I) That's All Right Mama (ELVIS, SCOTTY & BILL) / Down By The Riverside (MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET)
1990 SP RCA PB 49241 (F) Teddy Bear / Got A Lot Of Livin' To Do
08/1991 SP RCA PB 49177 (UK) Live In Las Vegas - Are You Lonesome Tonight (the famous "laughing version") / Reconsider Baby (unreleased version)
1991 SP RCA PB49149 (GER) Merry Christmas Baby / Silent Night
1991 SP RCA PB49207 (NL) Love Me Tender / Love Letters
08/1992 EP RCA 74321 11077 7 (UK) Don't Be Cruel - Don't Be Cruel / All Shook Up / Jailhouse Rock / I Need Your Love Tonight
1992 SP RCA 07863-62402-7 (US) . Don't Be Cruel / Ain't That Loving You Baby (fast version)
1992 SP RCA 07863-62403-7 (US) . Blue Christmas / Love Me Tender
1992 SP RCA 07863-62449-7 (US) . Heartbreak Hotel / Hound Dog
1992 SP RCA 74321 11410 7 (F) Don't Be Cruel / Fame And Fortune
1993 SP RCA 07863 62411-7 (US) . Silver Bells / Silver Bells
1994 SP RCA 74321 23813 7 (NL) Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
1994 SP RCA 74321 24524 7 (NL) Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
1994 SP RCA 74321 25214 7 (NL) If Every Day Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
10/1995 SP RCA 74321 32012 7 (UK) The Twelfth Of Never (informal rehearsal) / Walk A Mile In My Shoes
1995 SP RCA 74321 25870 7 (NL) Teddy Bear / Loving You
1995 5 SP RCA 74321 26958 7 (NL) The 5 Singles :
DISC 1 : Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
DISC 2 : Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
DISC 3 : If Every Day Was Like Christmas / How Would You Like To Be
DISC 4 : Teddy Bear / Loving You
DISC 5 : That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
04/1996 EP RCA 64476 (US) Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One / Heartbreak Hotel (take 5) / I Was The One (take 2)
1997 SP RCA DME 11803 (US) (special edition) King Of The Whole Wide World / King Creole
1997 SP RCA DME 11803-R (US) (special edition) King Of The Whole Wide World / King Creole
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80000 (US) . (Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80001 (US) . Separate Ways / Always On My Mind
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80002 (US) . An American Trilogy / Until It's Time For You To Go
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80003 (US) . Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80004 (US) . I Beg Of You / Don't
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80007 (US) . Guitar Man / Hi-Heel Sneakers
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80008 (US) . Hard Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80009 (US) . Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80011 (US) . One Night / I Got Stung
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80012 (US) . There Goes My Everything / I Really Don't Want To Know
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80017 (US) . Kissin' Cousins / It Hurts Me
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80018 (US) . (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame / Little Sister
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80020 (US) . The Wonder Of You / Mama Liked The Roses
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80021 (US) . Memories / Charro
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80023 (US) . Way Down / My Way
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80026 (US) . That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80027 (US) . Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
1997 SP COLLECTABLES COL80028 (US) . Wooden Heart / Puppet On A String
2000 7 SP Castle Music ELVIS 101 (UK) SUN SINGLES :
DISC 1 : That's All Right Mama / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
DISC 2 : Good Rockin' Tonight / I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine
DISC 3 : Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
DISC 4 : I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone / Baby Let's Play House
DISC 5 : Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
DISC 6 : That's All Right (alternate take) / Harbor Lights
DISC 7 : Tomorrow Night / Trying To Get To You
2000 17 SP Castle Music ELVIS 103X (UK) The UK No.1 Singles Collection :
DISC 1 : All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
DISC 2 : Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
DISC 3 : One Night / I Got Stung
DISC 4 : A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight
DISC 5 : It's Now Or Never (O Sole Mio) / Make Me Know It
DISC 6 : Are You Lonesome Tonight? / I Gotta Know
DISC 7 : Wooden Heart / Tonight Is So Right For Love
DISC 8 : Surrender / Lonely Man
DISC 9 : (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame / Little Sister
DISC 10 : Rock-A-Hula Baby (Twist Special) / Can't Help Falling In Love
DISC 11 : Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You
DISC 12 : She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
DISC 13 : Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From?
DISC 14 : (You’re The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don’t Drag That String Around
DISC 15 : Crying In The Chapel / Believe In The Man In The Sky
DISC 16 : The Wonder Of You / Mama Liked The Roses
DISC 17 : Way Down / Pledging My Love
2000 CD BMG Today 001 (EUR) (promo)

"Follow That Dream" The Sampler - Trouble - Guitar Man (alternate take 4) / Cross My Heart And Hope To Die (alternate take 6) / It's A Sin To Tell A Lie / Hurt (alternate take) / Faded Love (excerpt from live performance)

08/2001 EP RCA VICTOR 20101 (UK) Loving You Vol. 1 - Loving You / Party / Let Me Be Your (Teddy Bear) / True Love
08/2001 EP RCA VICTOR 3-21024 (UK) Silent Night / I Believe / White Christmas / It Is No Secret What God Can Do
08/2001 EP RCA VICTOR A72V 0073 (UK) Elvis Presley Il Re Del Rock 'n Roll - I Got A Woman / I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry Over You / Just Because / Tryin' To Get To You
08/2001 EP RCA VICTOR EX 4071 (UK) Girls! Girls! Girls! - Girls! Girls! Girls! / I Don't Wanna Be Tied / A Boy Like Me, A Girl Like You / Return To Sender / The Walls Have Ears / We're Coming In Loaded
08/2001 EP RCA VICTOR RPX-1146 (UK) His Hand In Mine - His Hand In Mine / I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs / Joshua Fit The Battle / Swing Low Sweet Chariot
10/2001 EP RCA VICTOR EX 2764 (UK) Stay Away, Joe - Stay Away, Joe / Dominic / All I Needed Was The Rain / Goin' Home / Stay Away
11/2001 CD RCA 60501-2 (US) America The Beautiful / If I Can Dream / Amazing Grace
2001 23 SP COLLECTABLES COL-0103 (US) #1 Hit Singles Collection :
DISC 1 : 1956 - RCA : Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
DISC 2 : 1956 - RCA : I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / My Baby Left Me
DISC 3 : 1956 - RCA : Don't Be Cruel / Hound Dog
DISC 4 : 1956 - RCA : Love Me Tender / Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be)
DISC 5 : 1957 - RCA : Too Much / Playing For Keeps
DISC 6 : 1957 - RCA : All Shook Up / That's When Your Heartaches Begin
DISC 7 : 1957 - RCA : (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Loving You
DISC 8 : 1957 - RCA : Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
DISC 9 : 1958 - RCA : Don't / I Beg Of You
DISC 10 : 1958 - RCA : Hard Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why
DISC 11 : 1959 - RCA : A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True
DISC 12 : 1960 - RCA : Stuck On You / Fame and Fortune
DISC 13 : 1960 - RCA : It's Now Or Never / A Mess Of Blues
DISC 14 : 1960 - RCA : Are You Lonesome To-night? / I Gotta Know
DISC 15 : 1961 - RCA : Surrender / Lonely Man
DISC 16 : 1962 - RCA : Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You
DISC 17 : 1964 - RCA : Blue Christmas / Wooden Heart
DISC 18 : 1969 - RCA : Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me
DISC 19 : 1954 - SUN : That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
DISC 20 : 1954 - SUN : Good Rockin' Tonight / I Don't Care If the Sun Don't Shine
DISC 21 : 1955 - SUN : Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're a Heartbreaker
DISC 22 : 1955 - SUN : Baby Let's Play House / I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
DISC 23 : 1955 - SUN : Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
2001 EP RCA VICTOR EPA-1068 (UK) Live A Little, Love A Little - Almost In Love / A Little Less Conversation / Wonderful World / Edge Of Reality
01/2002 EP RCA VICTOR ELVIS1107 (UK) Wild In The Country - Wild In The Country / I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell / Lonely Man / In My Way / Forget Me Never / I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell
01/2002 EP RCA VICTOR ELVIS1117 (UK) The Trouble With Girls - Clean Up Your Own Back Yard / Swing Down, Sweet Chariot / Sings Of The Zodiac / Almost / The Whiffenpoof Song / Violet
01/2002 EP RCA VICTOR ELVIS1127 (UK) Change Of Habit - Change Of Habit / Have A Happy / Rubberneckin' / Let Us Pray
06/2002 CD RCA 60555-2 (US) Little Less Conversation (JXL radio edit remix) / Little Less Conversation (JXL 12" remix) / Little Less Conversation (original 1968 version)
06/2002 SP RCA 07863-60575-7 (US) . A Little Less Conversation (JXL radio edit remix) / A Little Less Conversation (original version)
2002 CD RCA 69075-2 (US) . A Little Less Conversation (original version) / A Little Less Conversation (radio edit remix)
2002 23 SP COLLECTABLES COL-0134 (US) Hit Singles Collection Volume 2 :
DISC 1 : Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti
DISC 2 : Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time
DISC 3 : One Night / I Got Stung
DISC 4 : I Need Your Love Tonight / (Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I
DISC 5 : I Feel So Bad / Wild In The Country
DISC 6 : (Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame / Little Sister
DISC 7 : Can't Help Falling In Love / Rock-A-Hula Baby
DISC 8 : She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
DISC 9 : Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From?
DISC 10 : One Broken Heart For Sale / They Remind Me Too Much Of You
DISC 11 : (You're The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around
DISC 12 : Bossa Nova Baby / Witchcraft
DISC 13 : What'd I Say / Viva Las Vegas
DISC 14 : Ask Me / Ain't That Loving You Baby
DISC 15 : Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky
DISC 16 : I'm Yours / (It's A) Long Lonely Highway
DISC 17 : If I Can Dream / Edge Of Reality
DISC 18 : In The Ghetto / Any Day Now
DISC 19 : Don't Cry Daddy / Rubberneckin'
DISC 20 : Kentucky Rain / My Little Friend
DISC 21 : The Wonder Of You / Mama Liked The Roses
DISC 22 : You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up
DISC 23 : Burning Love / It's A Matter Of Time
07/2003 CD RCA 54263-2 (US) Rubberneckin' (Paul Oakenfold radio remix) / Rubberneckin' (Paul Oakenfold remix) / Rubberneckin' (original)
2003 SP BMG 82876-56193-7 (US) . Rubberneckin' (Paul Oakenfold remix) (radio edit) / Rubberneckin' (original)
01/2005 CD BMG 24523 (US)

One Night / I Got Stung / One Night Of Sin (bonus track)

01/2005 CD BMG 24524 (US)

(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight / (Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I

01/2005 CD BMG 24525 (US)

It's Now Or Never / Make Me Know It / A Mess Of Blues (bonus track)

02/2005 CD BMG 24527 (US)

Wooden Heart / Tonight Is So Right For Love / Puppet On A String (bonus track)

02/2005 CD BMG 24528 (US)

Surrender / Lonely Man / Lonely Man (solo) (bonus track)

02/2005 CD BMG 24529 (US)

(Marie's The Name Of) His Latest Flame / Little Sister / (Marie's The Name Of) His Latest Flame (alt. version) (bonus track)

02/2005 CD BMG 24530 (US)

Rock-A-Hula Baby / Can't Help Falling In Love / Can't Help Falling In Love (movie version) (bonus track)

03/2005 CD BMG 24531 (US)

Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You / Good Luck Charm (alt. version) (bonus track)

03/2005 CD BMG 24532 (US)

She's Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello / She's Not You (aly. version) (bonus track)

03/2005 CD BMG 24533 (US)

Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From / Girls, Girls, Girl (bonus track)

03/2005 CD BMG 24534 (US)

(You're The) Devil In Disguise / Please Don't Drag That String Around / (You're The) Devil In Disguise (alt. version) (bonus track)

04/2005 CD BMG 24535 (US)

Crying In The Chapel / I Believe In The Man In The Sky / Milky White Way (bonus track)

04/2005 CD BMG 24536 (US)

ELVIS SING THE WONDER OF YOU - The Wonder Of You / Mama Likes The Roses / Let It Be Me (bonus track)

04/2005 CD BMG 24537 (US)

Way Down / Pledging My Love / Way Down (alt. version) (bonus track)

01/2006 20 SP SONY / BMG 75447 (US)

SP 1 : Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One
SP 2 : I Want You, I Need You, I Love You / My Baby Left Me
SP 3 : Hound Dog / Don’t Be Cruel
SP 4 : Love Me Tender / Any Way You Want Me (That’s How I Will Be)
SP 5 : Are You Lonesome Tonight / I Gotta Know
SP 6 : Too Much / Playing For Keeps
SP 7 : All Shook Up / That’s When Your Heartaches Begin
SP 8 : (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Loving You
SP 9 : Jailhouse Rock / Treat Me Nice
SP 10 : Don’t / I Beg Of You
SP 11 : Hard Headed Woman / Don’t Ask Me Why
SP 12 : A Big Hunk O’ Love / My Wish Came True
SP 13 : Stuck On You / Fame And Fortune
SP 14 : It's Now Or Never / A Mess Of Blues
SP 15 : Surrender / Lonely Man
SP 16 : Good Luck Charm / Anything That’s Part Of You
SP 17 : Return To Sender / Where Do You Come From
SP 18 : In The Ghetto / Any Day Now
SP 19 : Suspicious Minds / You’ll Think Of Me
SP 20 : Burning Love / A Matter Of Time
2006 SP Studio ? STU-001 (?) (bootleg) Crying In The Chapel / In The Ghetto
10/2007 MAXI CD RCA 88697125182 (GER) A Big Hunk O' Love / My Wish Came True / A Big Hunk O' Love (take 1)
01/2008 18 CD RCA 88697122412 (GER)

CD 1 : Heartbreak Hotel / I Was The One / Bonus track: Heartbreak Hotel [alt. take 6]
CD 2 : Suspicious Minds / You'll Think Of Me / Bonus track: Suspicious Minds [alt. take 7]
CD 3 : Blue Suede Shoes / Tutti Frutti / Bonus track: Lawdy, Miss Clawdy [alt. take 1]
CD 4 : Hound Dog / Don't Be Cruel / Bonus track: Any Way You Want Me [master]
CD 5 : [Let Me Be Your] Teddy Bear / Loving You / Bonus track: Loving You [farm version - alt. take 6]
CD 6 : Party / Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do! / Bonus track: Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do! [movie master take 17]
CD 7 : Don’t / I Beg Of You / Bonus track: I Beg Of You [alt. take 5]
CD 8 : Hard Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why / Bonus track: Steadfast, Loyal And True [undubbed master]
CD 9 : King Creole / Dixieland Rock / Bonus track: King Creole [alt. take 18]
CD 10 : A Big Hunk Of Love / My Wish Came True / Bonus track: A Big Hunk O' Love [alt. take 1]
CD 11 : Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time / Bonus track: Doncha Think It's Time [alt. take 48]
CD 12 : If I Can Dream / Memories / Bonus track: If I Can Dream [alt. take 1]
CD 13 : Viva Las Vegas / What'd I Say / Bonus track: Viva Las Vegas [alt. takes 1 & 2]
CD 14 : In The Ghetto / Any Day Now / Bonus track: In The Ghetto [alt. take 3]
CD 15 : You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up / Bonus track: Patch It Up [alt. take 9]
CD 16 : Always On My Mind / Separate Ways / Bonus track: Always On My Mind [alt. take 2]
CD 17 : An American Trilogy / The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face / Bonus track: An American Trilogy [Aloha version]
CD 18 : Burning Love / It's A Matter Of Time / Bonus track: Burning Love [alt. take]
2010 SP RCA / Legacy 88697-67359-7 (US)

That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
2011 5 SP Mischief Music ELVISBOX1 (UK) The Sun Singles Collection :
DISC 1 : That's All Right Mama / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
DISC 2 : I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine / Good Rockin' TonightDISC 2 :
DISC 3 : Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
DISC 4 : I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone / Baby Let's Play House
DISC 5 : Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
2012 5 SP Mischief Music ELVISBOX1BLUE (UK) The Sun Singles Collection :
DISC 1 : That's All Right Mama / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
DISC 2 : I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine / Good Rockin' TonightDISC 2 :
DISC 3 : Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
DISC 4 : I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone / Baby Let's Play House
DISC 5 : Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
2012 SP RCA VICTOR 47-8025 (NL) (bootleg) Like A Baby / Make Me Know It
2013 5 SP Mischief Music ELVISBOX1PINK (UK) The Sun Singles Collection :
DISC 1 : That's All Right Mama / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
DISC 2 : I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine / Good Rockin' TonightDISC 2 :
DISC 3 : Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
DISC 4 : I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone / Baby Let's Play House
DISC 5 : Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
2013 5 SP Mischief Music ELVISBOX1RED (UK) The Sun Singles Collection :
DISC 1 : That's All Right Mama / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
DISC 2 : I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine / Good Rockin' TonightDISC 2 :
DISC 3 : Milkcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
DISC 4 : I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone / Baby Let's Play House
DISC 5 : Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
09/2013 EP Mischief Music CROSS2 (UK) (shaped disc) Known Only To Him / I Believe In The Man In The Sky / Joshua Fit The Battle / He Knows Just What I Need
09/2013 EP Mischief Music EAPSTAR1 (UK) (shaped disc) Love Me Tender / Are You Lonesome Tonight / Can't Help Falling In Love / Wooden Heart
08/2014 SP Music On Vinyl MOV7026 (NL) Bossa Nova Baby (Viva Elvis) / Bossa Nova Baby
10/2014 SP GM Éditions NOT7001-1 (F)

FNAC Collection Anniversaire 60 Ans - That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
2014 SP RCA Victor 47-5855 (US) I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Little Mama
12/2014 SP Sun 209 (GER) Elvis 80 - That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
2014 SP Not Now Music NOT7001 (I) That's All Right / Blue Moon Of Kentucky
01/2015 EP EL TORO ET-15.060 (S) Elvis Sings The Hits Of Sun Records - Blue Suede Shoes / I'm Comin' Home / Mystery Train / When It Rains It Really Pours
01/2015 EP EL TORO ET-15.061 (S) Elvis Sings The Hits Of Atlantic - Such A Night / Judy / I Got A Woman / Shake, Rattle And Roll
03/2015 EP EL TORO ET-15.062 (S) Elvis Sings The Hits Of Speciality - Tutti Frutti / Ready Teddy / Long Tall Sally / Lawdy Miss Clawdy
10/2015 EP EL TORO ET-15.063 (S) Elvis Sings The Hits Of Doo Wop - Soldier Boy / Money Honey / Little Mama (live) / Fool Fool Fool (Radio station demo)
10/2015 SP RCA Victor 88875142767 (US) If I Can Dream / Bridge Over Troubled Water
2015 SP RCA Victor 88875143297 (US) If I Can Dream / Anything That's Part Of You
2016 EP Follow That Dream 506020-975097 (EUR) (book)

How RCA Brought Elvis To Europe - Money Honey / Blue Moon / Just Because / I Love You Because

SP & EP Date Unknown

???? EP Record Prevue 10-6542 (?) (bootleg) My Baby's Gone / How Do You Think I Feel (instr.) / Tennessee Waltz (demo) / Baby What You Want Me To Do / Rocky Top
???? EP EP RECORDS EPA 183 (?) (bootleg) King Of Rock N' Roll - Blue Suede Shoes / One Sided Love Affair / Hound Dog / Ready Teddy / Baby I Don't Care / Got A Lot O' Living To Do
???? EP Top 4Ex-4071 (IRA) (unofficial release) Girls! Girls! Girls! - Girls! Girls! Girls! / I Don´t Wanna Be Tied / A Boy Like Me A Girl Like You / Return To Sender / The Walls Have Ears / We´re Coming In Loaded
???? SP RCA Victor RCA-DJ-91 (?) (bootleg) I'm Coming Home / Slicin' Sand
???? SP QUALITON 101 (HUNG) (bootleg) Ne Legyel Szivtelen [Don't Be Cruel] Hejszini Felveves / Ne Legyel Szivtelen [Don't Be Cruel] Life (live)
???? SP SUN 210 (?) (bootleg) Good Rockin' Tonight / I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine
???? SP SUN 215 (?) (bootleg) Milcow Blues Boogie / You're A Heartbreaker
???? SP SUN 223 (?) (bootleg) Mystery Train / I Forgot To Remember To Forget
???? SP White Knight SP-1-28 / 4136 (?) (bootleg) Shake, Rattle, And Roll / I Got A Woman

Unissued tracks

1954 SUN unissued - (Bopcat LP 100 (#4)) Baby Let's Play House [live vers.]
1954 SUN unissued - (Bopcat LP 100 (#3)) I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine [alt. vers.]
1954 SUN unissued - (Disky CD 250542 (#2)) That's All Right Mama [alt. vers.]
1954/55 SUN unissued Good Rockin' Tonight [alt. vers.]
1954/55 SUN unissued I Forgot To Remember To Forget [alt. vers.]
1954/55 SUN unissued - (Bopcat LP 100 (#5)) I'll Never Let You Go Little Darlin' [alt. vers.]
1954/55 SUN unissued - (Bopcat LP 100 (#2) / El Toro CD 1015 (#24)) My Baby Is Gone
1954/55 SUN unissued Mystery Train [alt. vers.]
1954/55 SUN unissued - (RCA CD 66059 (#4)) Tomorrow Night
195? Unissued - (Rhino CD 73346 (#50)) One Night Of Sin


© Rocky Productions 13/06/2017