Groupe Rockabilly US de l'Iowa composé de Rosie Stevens, Dick O'Neall, R.J. Myers, Wayne Cooper et Randy Larson. Les Suades ont enregistré chez Spinning Records de Chicago (Illinois).

US Rockabilly group from Iowa included Rosie Stevens, Dick O'Neall, R.J. Myers, Wayne Cooper an Randy Larson. The Suades recorded at Spinning Records of Chicago (Illinois).

Style musical : Rockabilly

Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (1960)

Wrong Yo Yo (1960)

Years in activity :

1910 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2000 10



1960 SP Spinning HM6011 (US)

The Suades Featuring Rosie Stevens - Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby / Wrong Yo Yo

© Rocky Productions 20/04/2019